constitutional court oor Masedonies

constitutional court

a high court whose jurisdiction is focused on constitutional law or constitutional issues, such as the review of the constitutionality of laws, draft laws, political and bureaucratic decisions, acts of political parties, etc.

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уставен суд

court that deals primarily with constitutional law
The province would have its own supreme and constitutional courts, as well as a public prosecutor
Провинцијата ќе има свој сопствен врховен и уставен суд, како и сопствен јавен обвинител

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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
But a final judgment, he added, is up to the constitutional court
Кога ќе дојдите до местото на состанокот, држете се подалеку од луѓето на ДубакуSetimes Setimes
After the report is ready, the # members of the Constitutional Court will review it
Јас ставив неколку дискови со Елвис ПрислиSetimes Setimes
The opposition is threatening to file suit at Macedonia 's constitutional court
Белким нема да се навредиш, но мислам дека еден од вас би требало да ја имаSetimes Setimes
Controversial rulings stir accusations that judges are using the constitutional court as a political tool
Се расправав со некои грешки во моите денови со Пи... и се прашував дали е слично со тоа на што и јас налетавSetimes Setimes
Romania 's constitutional court quashed a controversial media bill earlier this month, calling the law unconstitutional
Значи, Економијата базирана на Ресурси не е ништо повеќе од збир докажани знаења кои го поддржуваат животот, каде сите одлуки се носат според оптималната одржливост на човекот и околинатаSetimes Setimes
Once that process is complete, the rapporteurs of the Constitutional Court will prepare a technical report
Се сеќавате на убавата женска која ја бркав ноќта кога го уби она момче?Setimes Setimes
" However, the Constitutional Court had a different opinion, " he said
Не можам да кажам како се чувствувам со оглед на работитеSetimes Setimes
" There will be a referendum, " said Hasim Kilic, deputy head of the Constitutional Court. [ Getty Images ]
Овојпат нема да ти поминеSetimes Setimes
That party, in turn, succeeded Necmettin Erbakan 's Welfare party, banned by the constitutional court in
Комплицирани стапициSetimes Setimes
" The Constitutional Court 's decision is contestable from many viewpoints
Мај.Тој ги убива нивните политички непријателиSetimes Setimes
The opposition takes the amendments to the Constitutional Court to have them annulled
Ако ме лажеш..... ќе ти ги скинам јајцатаSetimes Setimes
Bosniaks block RS government, petition constitutional court
Па, не сум толку добра на...- Благодарам. ВисочиниSetimes Setimes
The public prosecutor 's office initiated a procedure in Serbia 's Constitutional Court to ban " National Order " activities
Вистинско имеSetimes Setimes
However, in October 2007 the Constitutional Court of Romania rejected the parliament's petition on the matter.
Ураганот Грејс оди на северWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Constitutional Court is considered a key part of the secular establishment, leaving many surprised by the ruling
Инфо. за чистење од бубачкиSetimes Setimes
" It 'll take a while for the Constitutional Court to build trust-- a couple of years, " he said
Инфо. за чистење од бубачкиSetimes Setimes
In response, mobile operators have threatened layoffs, reduced investment and appealed to the Constitutional Court
Руфус ТомасSetimes Setimes
The Romanian Constitutional Court has upheld a law giving a half-million teachers a # % raise
Што запишуваш?Setimes Setimes
" There are other decisions from the Constitutional Court that are still not implemented
Порака од планетатаSetimes Setimes
Seeking redress from the RS Constitutional Court, the Bosniak Caucus filed suit on Wednesday (January # th
Потоа ќе можеш да ги менуваш работитеSetimes Setimes
The proposed changes will be considered by the constitutional court and parliament
Не го пикам носот освен ако не се нозе обвиткани околу вратотSetimes Setimes
A turnaround occurred last December, when Slovenia 's Constitutional Court annulled Article # of the Slovenian Secession Fund Law
А зошто си мислел така, Маркус?Setimes Setimes
The Constitutional Court approves the constitutionality of new laws.
Скрепи е вљубен, тоа е супер!WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Concerned by the measure, Croatian President Stipe Mesic took it before the Constitutional Court
Старата гумена ракавица!Setimes Setimes
The new law has already been attacked by magistrates who filed a complaint with the Constitutional Court
Од целата комора?Setimes Setimes
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