economic policy oor Masedonies

economic policy

A definite course of action adopted and pursued by a government, political party or enterprise pertaining to the production, distribution and use of income, wealth and commodities.

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економска политика

refers to the actions that governments take in the economic field.
Turkey seeks to add arms exports as a component of its diplomacy and economic policy
Tурција е заинтересирана да го додаде извозот на оружје како компонента на својата дипломатска и економска политика

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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
The other priorities are strengthening economic policy co-ordination within the EU, reviving growth and tackling unemployment
Нека размисли што правиSetimes Setimes
He said the repayments send a strong signal to international investors, demonstrating a sound and stable economic policy
Слушај, знам дека не можеш никогаш да ми веруваш, по она што го направив, но мило ми е што се случиSetimes Setimes
Let us consider, for instance, the implications for economic policy
Не се сеќавам, се ми е некако матно од оваа жедSetimes Setimes
Romania 's centre-right government and the IMF are at odds over the country 's economic policy
Може да му го спасиш живототSetimes Setimes
He has been tasked with co-ordinating economic policy
Мислиш дека ќе одиш во Мексико?Setimes Setimes
" This government is conducting a defeatist economic policy
Ќе ја исправам неправдатаSetimes Setimes
Turkey Shapes Its Economic Policies
Исусе, го грабна дететоSetimes Setimes
Ahidjo pursued an economic policy of planned liberalism, prioritising cash crops and petroleum development.
Постави му прашање, кажи му дека си преведувачWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A historical look at the economic policies of transition economies might help untangle this paradox
Навистина има многу крв во луѓетоSetimes Setimes
Clearly stating this aim may be a means to achieve a more consistent economic policy in Romania
Ќерка ми ќе се мажи за Иан Милер, странец со тост- фамилијаSetimes Setimes
Protesters have called a # hour general strike against the government 's pension reforms and economic policies for Wednesday
Порака со темаSetimes Setimes
Romania 's Economic Policy Challenges in
Се враќам во креветSetimes Setimes
Isarescu has co-ordinated Romania 's economic policies for # years
Овие договори треба да бидат однесени на нотарSetimes Setimes
" Macedonia has a sustained track record of sound economic policies
Кога ѕидот ќе ослабе, ние ќе го срушимеSetimes Setimes
Economic Policy: The End of Ideology?
Ќе дојдат да не земат и да ви зададат неколку прашањаSetimes Setimes
The first congress, held on # ebruary # in Izmir, set forth the foundations of the country 's economic policies
Треба да трчамеSetimes Setimes
The economic policy at the end of 2008 encouraged local governments to create financing platform and get loan.
Но јас ти кажувам деки ти пушуи главатаgv2019 gv2019
Greek firemen protest the government 's economic policy during a rally at Thessaloniki 's International Fair. [ Getty Images ]
Момчето ја задржува СатинSetimes Setimes
Juan Greiffenstein notes that peace begins with better economic policies:
Дали е тоа стандардно?gv2019 gv2019
Analysts are weighing whether Turkey should return to its pro-EU economic policies of the early # s
Момци, чукнати сте!Setimes Setimes
Turkey seeks to add arms exports as a component of its diplomacy and economic policy
Тој ја гледаше мојата претстава # патиSetimes Setimes
The new administration faces two main challenges, Romanian Centre for Economic Policies analyst Aurelian Dochia told SETimes
Има политичка заднина на Вистлер поради видот на неговото злоделоSetimes Setimes
Beqiri explained that the current economic policy prevents the government from intervening to set prices
Сите ознакиSetimes Setimes
IMF mission chief Jeffrey Franks praised Bucharest for upholding its obligations and maintaining strict economic policies
Изгледај болно, а јас ќе глумам дека те носам во болницатаSetimes Setimes
Serbian Finance Minister Mladjan Dinkic is assessing the government 's economic policy in # as satisfactory
Оружјето на смртниците не можат да го убијатSetimes Setimes
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