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His NIST group uses trapped ions in many experiments on fundamental physics, and quantum state control.
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By the postulates of quantum mechanics, an experiment designed to measure the electron spin on the x-, y-, or z-axis can only yield an eigenvalue of the corresponding spin operator (Sx, Sy or Sz) on that axis, i.e. ħ/2 or –ħ/2.
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He was astounded by the Stern–Gerlach experiment, which convinced him of the validity of quantum mechanics.
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Anyway, in 1935, Erwin Schrödinger, in an attempt to explain the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum physics, he proposed an experiment. A cat is placed in a box with a sealed vial of poison that will break open at a random time.
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Areas relevant to cosmology include particle physics experiments and theory, theoretical and observational astrophysics, general relativity, quantum mechanics, and plasma physics.
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The quantum numbers of the X(3872) particle have been measured recently by the LHCb experiment at CERN .
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These are generally considered to be the topics regarded as the "core" of the foundation of modern physics: Atomic theory and the evolution of the atomic model in general Black-body radiation Oil drop experiment Franck–Hertz experiment Geiger–Marsden experiment (Rutherford's experiment) Gravitational lensing Michelson–Morley experiment Photoelectric effect Quantum thermodynamics Radioactive phenomena in general Perihelion precession of Mercury Stern–Gerlach experiment Wave–particle duality Solid-state physics Physics portal History of physics Classical physics Quantum mechanics Theory of relativity Quantum field theory Unified field Theory F. K. Richtmyer; E. H. Kennard; T. Lauristen (1955).
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Light quarks (up, down, and strange) are much less massive than the heavier quarks, and so the physical states actually seen in experiments (η, η′, and π0 mesons) are quantum mechanical mixtures of the light quark states.
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For example, rotating a spin-1/2 particle by 360 degrees does not bring it back to the same quantum state, but to the state with the opposite quantum phase; this is detectable, in principle, with interference experiments.
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In quantum field theory, unbroken gauge invariance requires that gauge bosons have zero mass (experiments limit the gluon's rest mass to less than a few meV/c2).
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We are not able to resolve the explanatory gap because the realm of subjective experiences is cognitively closed to us in the same manner that quantum physics is cognitively closed to elephants.
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In 1983, Laughlin was first to provide a many body wave function, now known as the Laughlin wavefunction, for the fractional quantum hall effect, which was able to correctly explain the fractionalized charge observed in experiments.
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This enabled the later observation of the fractional quantum Hall effect, which was discovered by Störmer and Tsui in October 1981 in an experiment carried out in the Francis Bitter High Magnetic Field Lab at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
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Leggett's own research interests shifted away from superfluid 3He since around 1980; he worked inter alia on the low-temperature properties of glasses, high-temperature superconductivity, the Bose–Einstein condensate (BEC) atomic gases and above all on the theory of experiments to test whether the formation of quantum mechanics will continue to describe the physical world as we push it up from the atomic level towards that of everyday life.
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The early 20th century explorations of nuclear physics and quantum physics led to proofs of nuclear fission in 1939 by Lise Meitner (based on experiments by Otto Hahn), and nuclear fusion by Hans Bethe in that same year; both discoveries also led to the development of nuclear weapons.
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They also face the common problem that, as yet, there is no way to put quantum gravity predictions to experimental tests, although there is hope for this to change as future data from cosmological observations and particle physics experiments becomes available.
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Experiments including electromagnetic radiation and matter - such as the photoelectric effect, Compton effect, and spectra of sunlight the due to the unknown element of Helium, the limitation of the Bohr model to Hydrogen, and numerous other reasons, lead to an entirely new mathematical model of matter and light: quantum mechanics.
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