spin quantum number oor Masedonies

spin quantum number

A quantum number that specifies the spin of a particle; for an electron, it may only take the values ±1/2

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In tables of the spin quantum number s for nuclei or particles, the spin is often followed by a "+" or "−".
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In the Standard Model, the top quark is predicted to have a spin quantum number of 1⁄2 and electric charge +2⁄3.
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The conventional definition of the spin quantum number, s, is s = n/2, where n can be any non-negative integer.
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Very often, the "spin quantum number" is simply called "spin", leaving its meaning as the unitless "spin quantum number" to be inferred from context.
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On the other hand, spin has some peculiar properties that distinguish it from orbital angular momenta: Spin quantum numbers may take half-integer values.
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At higher masses, additional Delta states appear, all defined by having 3⁄2 units of isospin, but with a spin quantum numbers including 1⁄2, 3⁄2, 5⁄2, ... 11⁄2.
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Note that since we only relied on the spin operator commutation relations, this proof holds for any dimension (i.e., for any principal spin quantum number s).
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All elementary particles of a given kind have the same magnitude of spin angular momentum, which is indicated by assigning the particle a spin quantum number.
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In atomic physics, the spin quantum number is a quantum number that parameterizes the intrinsic angular momentum (or spin angular momentum, or simply spin) of a given particle.
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Iron shows a great variety of electronic spin states, including every possible spin quantum number value for a d-block element from 0 (diamagnetic) to 5⁄2 (5 unpaired electrons).
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However, the actual magnetic dipole moment of an electron in an atomic orbital arrives not only from the electron angular momentum, but also from the electron spin, expressed in the spin quantum number.
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In general, the values of ms range from −s to s, where s is the spin quantum number, an intrinsic property of particles: ms = −s, −s + 1, −s + 2, ..., s − 2, s − 1, s.
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Angular momentum operator Basic quantum mechanics Particle in a spherically symmetric potential Quantum number Magnetic quantum number Principal quantum number Spin quantum number Total angular momentum quantum number Angular momentum coupling Clebsch–Gordan coefficients Eisberg, Robert (1974).
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These are usually specified by the four-momentum squared of each particle (i.e. its mass squared) and the intrinsic quantum numbers JPC, where J is the spin quantum number, P is the parity and C is the charge-conjugation quantum number.
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In practice, spin is given as a dimensionless spin quantum number by dividing the spin angular momentum by the reduced Planck constant ħ, which has the same units of angular momentum, although this is not the full computation of this value.
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In the orthohydrogen form, the spins of the two protons are parallel and form a triplet state with a molecular spin quantum number of 1 (1⁄2+1⁄2); in the parahydrogen form the spins are antiparallel and form a singlet with a molecular spin quantum number of 0 (1⁄2–1⁄2).
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The spin projection quantum number (ms) describes the spin (intrinsic angular momentum) of the electron within that orbital, and gives the projection of the spin angular momentum S along the specified axis: Sz = ms ħ.
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In supersymmetry models, all Standard Model particles have partner particles with the same quantum numbers except for the quantum number spin, which differs by 1⁄2 from its partner particle.
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Each distinct n, l, ml orbital can be occupied by two electrons with opposing spins (given by the quantum number ms = ±1⁄2), giving 2(2l + 1) electrons overall.
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The spin angular momentum is characterized by a quantum number; s = 1/2 specifically for electrons.
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Typical quantum numbers related to spacetime symmetries are spin (related to rotational symmetry), the parity, C-parity and T-parity (related to the Poincaré symmetry of spacetime).
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In addition to the spin characteristic, fermions have another specific property: they possess conserved baryon or lepton quantum numbers.
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The spin property of an electron would give rise to magnetic moment, which was a requisite for the fourth quantum number.
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Its positive energy unitary irreducible representations are indexed by mass (nonnegative number) and spin (integer or half integer) and are associated with particles in quantum mechanics (see Wigner's classification).
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The most convenient quantum mechanical description of particle's spin is therefore with a set of complex numbers corresponding to amplitudes of finding a given value of projection of its intrinsic angular momentum on a given axis.
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