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" Inquiries will continue until prosecutors decide whether to indict him, " a police spokesman said
„ Сослушувањата ќе продолжат додека обвинителите не одлучат дали ќе подигнат обвинение против него “, рече полицискиот портпарол
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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
US State Department deputy spokesman Tom Casey expressed Washington 's concerns " about continuing reports of violence and harassment, including harassment of Estonian diplomatic personnel and premises in Moscow "
Ти се посра од стравSetimes Setimes
The matter " is elevated to the political level and needs to be dealt with in capitals ", OSCE spokesman Martin Nesirky said
Од секогаш сум те сакалаSetimes Setimes
BBC News reported at 16:59 GMT that at 16:45 GMT a French plane had fired at and destroyed a Libyan military vehicle – this being confirmed by French defence ministry spokesman Laurent Teisseire.
Знаеш како сум на воланWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The forum was reportedly attended by more than # panish companies, which Bulgarian government spokesman Dimitar Tsonev says account for # per cent of Spain 's GDP
Нема да го пропуштам тоаSetimes Setimes
Up to Serbia to decide if it wants to join, NATO spokesman says
Кажи и на Џули дека хотелот е под закана од бомба,...... и дека јас лично барам, таа да известува за тоаSetimes Setimes
Allegations of improper conduct forced the resignations of Voulgarakis and of State Minister and government spokesman Theodoros Roussopoulos
Што ќе правиме сега?Setimes Setimes
Greece hopes new Macedonian President Gjorge Ivanov will work on resolving the two countries ' long-running name dispute, Greek Foreign Ministry spokesman Giorgos Koumoutsakos said on Thursday (April # th
Во право си, не ти верувамSetimes Setimes
" We have agreed on a common position, " Reuters quoted a spokesman for the Austrian EU presidency as saying
Не би требало да разговараме вака додека случајот сеуште е отворен за жалбиSetimes Setimes
In Sofia, Foreign Ministry spokesman Dimitar Tsanchev said, " We will discuss the possibility of imposing reciprocal restrictions on Britain, as well as on other EU member states that restrict the free movement of labour
Само не интересира дали сакате кафе со тоа?Setimes Setimes
" We stressed the importance of implementing the internationally endorsed standards and co-operating with the UNMIK to achieve that goal, " US State Department spokesman Richard Boucher said during a press briefing Thursday
Овие се сервисите што се запрени во извршното ниво % #. Бројот налево од иконата го одредува редоследот по кој се запираат сервисите. Нив може да ги подредите преку „ повлечи-и-пушти “ сѐ додека е можно да се генерира погоден реден број. Ако тоа не е можно ќе треба рачно да го смените бројот преку дијалогот СвојстваSetimes Setimes
Wolfgang Graven, an OSCE spokesman, confirmed that neither mass nor individual graves had been found
Јас ставив неколку дискови со Елвис ПрислиSetimes Setimes
Radovan Pejic, spokesman for the East Sarajevo Centre for Public Security (CPS) in Pale, said that the public 's improved perception of local police is another reason that their twice-monthly Harvest operations are showing results
Да, ќе се обидам.ДоброSetimes Setimes
A spokesman of the Knight Foundation disputed parts of WikiLeaks' statement, saying "WikiLeaks was not recommended by Knight staff to the board."
Колата на КлерWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
According to a spokesman for the National Election Committee, Zoran Tanevski # mayors were elected in # municipalities
Изберете ја централната точка за скалирањеSetimes Setimes
He also served as God’s Word or Spokesman, the one through whom the divine will was communicated to others.
Па, Тахаласи, сакаш ли да се држиме заедно?jw2019 jw2019
Each study question was followed by a pause of several minutes while the farmers consulted in Low German before a spokesman finally answered for the group in Spanish.
Отидов во болницатаjw2019 jw2019
In August 2015, the group made international headlines when it exposed the wristwatch of Dmitry Peskov, Vladimir Putin’s spokesman, which it estimated to be worth at least $625,000.
Застрелај ја!gv2019 gv2019
Speaking after precincts had closed Sunday, Papandreou said he would n't declare an early election after all, with top ministers and the government spokesman subsequently explaining that results proved voters backed the government 's tough austerity programme and reforms
SWOP-ОбложеноSetimes Setimes
A municipality of Pristina spokesman told SETimes that the municipality " will decide in co-operation with the Islamic Community of Kosovo a possible location for the construction of the mosque "
Опушти се, баткаSetimes Setimes
Ivana Ramic, Belgrade District court spokesman, has said that Markovic would be arrested, then released on bail pending the outcome of her trial
“ Да ја спречиме војната на Орионовиот појас “Setimes Setimes
Explaining the initial weakness of the police response to the Kosovo drug problem, UN international police spokesman Barry Fletcher said that in its earlier years, the UN police 's main concern had been its own development and that of the Kosovo Police Service
Со пиштоил, си поопасенSetimes Setimes
" We are welcoming the participation of Turkish forces under the UN resolution... in the western area in Iraq under the condition that this force should not exceed # " Chalabi 's spokesman, Entifadh Kanbar, said Tuesday ( # eptember), adding that Turkey 's contribution would help restore peace and prosperity in Iraq
Ооо... Морис, што ќе правишSetimes Setimes
Let it [ the government ] continue to seek a life jacket for its own incompetence and ineffectiveness, " ND spokesman Yiannis Mihelakis said on August # th
Визија која Менхетен ќе го направи единствен, прв трговски центар со #ролер ксотериSetimes Setimes
UN police spokesman Derek Chappell said Monday an estimated # people had taken part in a total of # riots across the province
Постави друга длабочина на боиSetimes Setimes
Through a spokesman, UN Secretary General Kofi Annan said he was deeply saddened by the deaths of the two US officers
& Ресетирај ги старите опцииSetimes Setimes
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