trend oor Masedonies


/t(ʃ)ɹɛnd/ werkwoord, naamwoord
An inclination in a particular direction

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Masedonies


Surprising mothers is a trend, at least for some soldiers.
Приредување на изненадувања за мајките стана тренд, барем за некои војници.
Macedonian and English


The trend is towards sharper polarization in Turkish politics and renewed tension between the government and secularists
Оваа тенденција води кон поостра поларизација во турската политика, како и кон обновени тензии помеѓу владата и секуларистите
Macedonian and English

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings


Advanced filtering
Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
As expected from periodic trends, lanthanum has the largest atomic radius of the lanthanides and the stable group 3 elements.
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Grímsvötn is a basaltic volcano which has the highest eruption frequency of all the volcanoes in Iceland and has a southwest-northeast-trending fissure system.
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The unit 's job is to help draft laws as part of a new trend of international community partnership with local authorities
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Well, it was not one of the better fashion trends.
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" That 's backed up by the fact that every year the trend is that there are more and more participants. "
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Postmodernism describes movements which both arise from, and react against or reject, trends in modernism.
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The reality is that trends like unwed motherhood, rising divorce rates, [and] smaller households . . . are occurring worldwide.”
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Human predictions are often based on such factors as scientific research, analysis of available facts and trends, or even bogus spiritual insight.
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Besides making driving more costly, the trend affects the price of central heating
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The growth trend will likely continue: Experts predict that in 2014 the RuNet economy will grow by another 30 percent.
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11 Humans cannot reverse these trends because Satan is “the god of this system of things.”
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Is fundamentalism the only response to these trends?
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In the contemporary debate over Turkish women 's issues, the most discussed topic is the rising trend of violence throughout the country, in all forms, regardless of socio-economic and educational levels
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In the 14th century, the predominant academic trend of scholasticism was challenged by the humanist movement.
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In a similar way, God has given us his Word, which describes striking global trends.
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In Japan, divorces were on a generally upward trend from the 1960s until 2002 when they hit a peak of 290,000.
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This trend, which is not uncommon, helps explain why music and the related technologies have become major commercial products.
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Water conservation videos seem to be trending, as people and organizations make videos with tips and advice on how to better manage our water resources.
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This trend is merely a reflection of the fact that in many materially prosperous lands, there is a growing hunger for spiritual direction in life.
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Pisarev was one of the writers who propelled the democratic-revolutionary trend in Russia during the 1860s.
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Given past trends, these positive developments are expected to be reflected in higher income growth for the bottom 40 percent of the population.
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And the trend since then seems to confirm his idea.
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Economic regions and their parts sharing common economic trends are in turn grouped into economic zones and macrozones.
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Associations with various climate and environmental trends exist.
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However, an extremely high concentration of molybdenum reverses the trend and can act as an inhibitor in both purine catabolism and other processes.
Не си тој што тврдеше дека си, па јас не бев таа што мислевWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
221 sinne gevind in 5 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.