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/dʒuː/, /ʤu(ː)/ adjektief, werkwoord, naamwoord
An adherent of Judaism.

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a person with a Jewish cultural or ancestral connection

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/dʒuː/ adjektief, werkwoord, Phrase
(offensive) To bargain, to attempt to gain an unfair price in a business deal; to defraud.

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еврей хүн

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Jew's harp
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1, 2. (a) How did the Jews in Jesus’ day feel about God’s Kingdom?
Учир нь энэ удирдагч гэж юу болох талаар буруу санаа өгч байна.jw2019 jw2019
(Luke 5:27-30) In Galilee some time later, “the Jews began to murmur at [Jesus] because he said: ‘I am the bread that came down from heaven.’”
Ингээд биднийг "уячихаж" байгаа юм.jw2019 jw2019
2 A month prior to the above assembly, the Jews had completed the rebuilding of Jerusalem’s walls.
Тэр бараг 2 метр өндөр, нэг гараарааjw2019 jw2019
For behold, Isaiah spake many things which were ahard for many of my people to understand; for they know not concerning the manner of prophesying among the Jews.
бизнесийг бүхэлд нь мэдэх боломжтой болох юм.LDS LDS
Explain that the phrase “the Jews” in verse 3 refers to influential Jewish leaders in Jerusalem who encouraged the persecution of the Church of Jesus Christ.
2 дахь дамжлага дээр 1 хүн гэх мэт дамжлага тус бүр дээр 1 хүн ажиллавалLDS LDS
Some 27 years after Pentecost 33 C.E., it could be said that “the message of truth of the good news” had reached Jews and Gentiles “in all creation under heaven.” —Col.
урьдчилан бэлдсэн эсвэл өөр нэг дайны бичлэгийг зөндөө харж байна.jw2019 jw2019
(Ezra 3:8-13; 5:1) While that was cause for great rejoicing, before long, fright began to come upon the Jews.
Амьдрал тодорхой бус зүйлээр дүүрэн байдаг.jw2019 jw2019
However, without a prophet to guide them, the Jews debated the meaning of the scriptures and about who the Messiah would be.
Энэ удирдлагыг би дахиж хэрэглэхгүй болохоор танд өгчихьеLDS LDS
He assured her that if she failed to act, salvation for the Jews would arise from some other source.
Гэхдээ бид яаравчлах хэрэгтэй. Цаг хугацаа бидний талд биш байна.jw2019 jw2019
This amazes the Jewish disciples who came with Peter, because they thought that God favors only the Jews.
Бассем: "Гуйя, тэвчээртэй байгаарай.jw2019 jw2019
(Isaiah 45:1) Cyrus set the stage for the Jews’ return to their homeland in 537 B.C.E.
Жижиг дов, том дов нийлснээрjw2019 jw2019
How were many Jews in Jeremiah’s day “uncircumcised in heart”?
Энэ ч тийм гайхаад байх зүйл биш л дээ.jw2019 jw2019
Though his mission was primarily to teach the Israelites, he also reached out to help Samaritans and Gentiles, or non-Jews.
Тийм ертөнцөд л би хүүхдүүдээ өсгөмөөр байна.jw2019 jw2019
12 When the Jews returned to their homeland, they gained what might be called a new system of things.
Миний ажил ингэж эхэлсэн. За одоо эхэлье.jw2019 jw2019
In this way, Abraham became the father of all the faithful, whether uncircumcised (Gentiles) or circumcised (Jews).
Энэ нь зөвхөн бүртгэгдсэн тоо баримт.LDS LDS
You don't think Nazis were nice when they walked Jews and Gypsies into the gas chambers, do you?
бяцхан Малекийг Бассем, Доа хоёрт өгөхөдQED QED
Jesus was resurrected on Nisan 16, 33 C.E., the day of the year on which the Jews presented the firstfruits of the first grain crop before Jehovah God at the temple sanctuary in Jerusalem.
Зэвсгийн олон агуулхууд,jw2019 jw2019
(Deuteronomy 7:3, 4) As a “wall” of separation between Jews and Gentiles, the Mosaic Law kept God’s people from becoming contaminated by pagan thinking and practices. —Ephesians 2:14, 15; John 18:28.
Тэд үүнийгээ гэрч болох гэдэг баjw2019 jw2019
Point out that the Gentiles as well as the Jews were spiritually dead, or separated from God, because of their sins (see verse 1).
тэдэнд болж болох бүх зүйлийг нь мөрөөдөхөд тусалдаггүй юм.LDS LDS
12 A remnant from among the exiled Jews did indeed return to Judah and revive the worship of Jehovah at the rebuilt temple in Jerusalem.
Охид хамгийн л гоё гэсэн хувцсаа өмсөжjw2019 jw2019
(Romans 3:1, 2) It was possible for faithful Jews and others to enjoy Jehovah’s favor.
Тэр дээд боловсрол эзэмших хүсэлтэй байсан чjw2019 jw2019
King Herod heard that a child had been born who would be the king of the Jews.
үйлдвэрийн гаралтайг. Энэ нь дахин хэрэглэгдэж болохLDS LDS
For example, after the Jews returned from Babylon, Ezra and a number of other qualified men did not just read God’s Law to the people, they “expounded” that law, ‘putting meaning into it and giving understanding’ of God’s Word. —Nehemiah 8:8.
эсвэл бүр бүжиглэсэн ч болно.jw2019 jw2019
Read 2 Nephi 29:13–14, and look for the blessing that results when the scriptures—“the words of the Nephites” (the Book of Mormon), “the words of the Jews” (the Bible), and “the words of the lost tribes of Israel”—are had among the people.
гэвч бид түүнийг хардаггүй. Тэгээд бид хаа сайгүйLDS LDS
1 But, behold, in the alast days, or in the days of the Gentiles—yea, behold all the nations of the Gentiles and also the Jews, both those who shall come upon this land and those who shall be upon other lands, yea, even upon all the lands of the earth, behold, they will be bdrunken with iniquity and all manner of abominations—
Бидний сонгосон хүмүүсийн юу нь болохгүй байгаа юм бэ?"LDS LDS
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