Malawi oor Mongools


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Country in Southern Africa. Official name: Republic of Malawi.

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Republic of Malawi

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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Much to our delight, our first assignment was to the Malawi branch, where our daughters and their husbands were serving.
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What have Jehovah’s servants undergone in Malawi?
Бид бүгд нэг л зүйлээс, нэг л хайрцганд бүтдэг.jw2019 jw2019
COVER: Many young Witnesses in Malawi have shared with schoolmates interesting and useful information from the Young People Ask book
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What did our brothers in Malawi endure?
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Some of my family finally made it to a refugee camp in Malawi, a journey of over 1,000 miles (1,600 km).
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One day in October 1972, some one hundred members of a militant political movement known as the Malawi Youth League headed for our house.
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5 Consider the example of two of our sisters in Malawi.
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The following year, Brother Henschel visited Malawi again and a special convention outside the city of Blantyre was attended by some 10,000.
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Some of the party supporters found out that we were Jehovah’s Witnesses, and they made us sit among members of a political youth movement known as Malawi Young Pioneers.
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As the persecution intensified in Malawi, thousands of us fled the country.
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After a reversal of circumstances, a peak of 43,767 Kingdom publishers reported in Malawi in 1999, and over 120,000 attended district conventions there.
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After teaching the course for three and a half years, we were asked to return to Malawi to document the experiences of the Witnesses who had suffered persecution there for maintaining their Christian neutrality.
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Paul and Stephany are still in Malawi, where Paul serves on the Branch Committee.
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Displaying Christian love in Malawi
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For example, in the 1960’s, Jehovah’s Witnesses in Malawi were bitterly persecuted.
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The events of the 1960’s were but the first of a series of bitter and murderous persecution that the Witnesses in Malawi had to endure over nearly three decades.
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9 Jehovah’s Witnesses in Malawi experienced savage persecution beginning in 1967.
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Unfailing love enabled our brothers and sisters in Malawi to endure trials
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Our assignments took us from the beautiful slopes of the Mulanje Mountains in the south to the peaceful shores of Lake Malawi, which runs nearly the full length of the eastern part of the country.
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(John 17:16) Following a meeting of the Malawi Congress Party in 1972, there was a renewal of brutality.
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Prison officials interrogated me to find out how many Witnesses there were in Malawi.
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After returning to Malawi, I was assigned to visit congregations in the capital city, Lilongwe.
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For the details of the persecution in Malawi, see the 1999 Yearbook of Jehovah’s Witnesses, pages 171-223.
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In retrospect, such spiritual occasions were just what all of us in Malawi needed to prepare us for the difficult times that lay ahead.
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For the first time, the group of top 10 improvers includes economies of all income levels and sizes, with half being top improvers for the first time – El Salvador, India, Malawi, Nigeria, and Thailand.
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25 sinne gevind in 4 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.