South Asia oor Mongools

South Asia

All the countries of the Indian subcontinent (principally India, Pakistan and Bangladesh) and the Indian Ocean (principally Sri Lanka)

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Өмнөд Ази

South Asia

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I can split South Asia here.
Тэмцэл, бэрхшээл бидэнд чухал болохыг харуулдаг.ted2019 ted2019
And on top of that, we can put East Europe, we can put East Asia, and we put South Asia.
дуу авианы мэдээлэл болгож чихэнд хүргэнэ.QED QED
South Asia: Growth in the region is forecast to accelerate to 6.9 percent in 2018 from an estimated 6.5 percent in 2017.
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In South Asia, if you enslave a poor person, you're at greater risk of being struck by lightning than ever being sent to jail for that crime.
Ямар нэг юман дээр анхаарал тавихгүй бол, тэр юмыг ухамсарлана гэж үгүйted2019 ted2019
In South Asia, for instance, I could drive past this rice mill and see this man hoisting these 100-pound sacks of rice upon his thin back.
намайг үхэх аюулд хүргэсэн ньted2019 ted2019
Developing countries carried out 206 reforms, accounting for 78 percent of the total reforms, with Sub-Saharan Africa implementing 83 reforms and South Asia implementing a record 20 reforms.
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South Asia: Growth in the region is projected to strengthen to 6.9 percent in 2018 and to 7.1 percent in 2019, mainly as factors holding back growth in India fade.
магадгүй тийм өндөрт ахиж гарахгүй ч байж магад гээд л
Growth in South Asia is expected to continue firming to 7.1 percent this year, led by a recovery in India and supported by a gradual strengthening of demand in high-income countries.
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In South Asia, losses from gender inequality are estimated at $9.1 trillion, while they are estimated at $6.7 trillion in Latin America and the Caribbean and $3.1 trillion in the Middle East and North Africa.
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“If it can be sustained, the robust economic growth that we have seen this year could help lift millions out of poverty, particularly in the fast-growing economies of South Asia,” World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim said.
Ялангуяа илүү тархсан,
ASIA: In Seoul, South Korea, 502 people died in a department-store collapse in 1995.
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I represented Paraguay in international tournaments, traveling with my country’s national youth football team, Libertad, to countries in Europe, Asia, and South America.
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Growth could resume modestly in the eastern part of the region, which includes Eastern Europe, South Caucasus, and Central Asia, if there is a stabilization of commodity prices.
Египет гэр бүл түүнийг эмнэлгээс гармагц гэртээ хүлээн авсан
Much South-South FDI originates with middle-income country firms, and is invested in the same region, for example, Russian and Hungarian firms investing in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, and South African companies investing elsewhere in southern Africa.
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Arrangements were made for 583 delegates to travel around the globe to attend conventions in Europe, Asia, and the South Pacific, finishing the tour in Honolulu, Hawaii, and Pasadena, California.
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During the 16 years I have served as a General Authority, I have extended calls in many cultures and continents—from North America to South America, from Europe to Asia.
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19 At times during our modern history, our work has been banned or restricted in Eastern and Western Europe, in parts of Asia and Africa, and in countries of South and North America.
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18 sinne gevind in 11 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.