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Well when we have the game start, here's what you see.
Жишээ нь ѳнгийг аваад үзье л дээ.ted2019 ted2019
And thanks to the priesthood keys and temple ordinances that were restored through Joseph Smith, your eternal family can start here on earth.
Австралийг байгаа болгосон байна.LDS LDS
Are all of you here to start or grow a business?
авах гэсэн гэмгүй асуулт гэж үздэг.LDS LDS
So what you do here, first you start slow walking, you start slowing down.
орно гэсэн үг юм.ted2019 ted2019
Let's start with this one right here.
сарын тэмдэээ үл тоомсорлосон.QED QED
Here are some principles to get you started:
баялгийн тэгш бус байдал их хэвээрээ буюуLDS LDS
Here’s a good way you can get started:
"АLS, ALS" гэж дахин дахин хэлэхийг сонссон.LDS LDS
We start by remembering that she is someone’s daughter here on earth as well and could, under other circumstances, be my daughter.
Миний бодолд тэд 4 настай хүүхдүүд бишLDS LDS
We start by remembering that she is someone’s daughter here on earth as well and could, under other circumstances, be my daughter.
Би онгоцноос буугаад TED-д очлоо.LDS LDS
It was time to start putting things away when Joshua started to jump up and down announcing, ‘They are here!
Учир нь энэ их аюултай.LDS LDS
Here are just a few to get you started:
Би танд өөрийг тань өвөрмөц болгодогLDS LDS
Here are a few ideas to get you started:
10 жилийн дараа би эргэн хараа орсон.LDS LDS
Here are a few ideas to get you started:
Сүүлийн үед Сири болон Газа-д болж байгаа дайны хувьдLDS LDS
And they they start thinking, "Well gosh, you know, we're noticing small little frequency variations here.
тэр нь баруун эрэгтэй холбож чадвал, энэ нь илүү амьдрах чадвартайted2019 ted2019
And they they start thinking, " Well gosh, you know, we're noticing small little frequency variations here.
буруу байгааг мэдэрдэг.QED QED
Here, I have had up to four students at a time starting out in field service!”
бусадтай нийцэх байдал, экстраверс мөн ухамсартай байдал.jw2019 jw2019
And here's what happens, you would discover it too if we all started sharing our lists out loud.
үндэсний шигшээд байх байсан."ted2019 ted2019
What would you think of a man, in a day of railroads and automobiles and airplanes, who would yoke up an ox team here in Utah, and make a start for the Missouri River?
Харамсалтай нь, судалгааны зүрх өвтгөм хэсэг болLDS LDS
As used here, “Jehovah’s day” refers to the period that will start with the destruction of false religion and will culminate in the war of Armageddon.
Та Камбож хэлийг судалж байсан уу?jw2019 jw2019
Here is some medicine to cure the gossip disease: (1) Change the topic when your friends start gossiping.
Тэгэхэд намайг нэг зүйл үнэхээр гайхшруулсан.LDS LDS
But here's the thing: we're already doing this in a limited way, and it's already starting to make a big difference.
Бид үүний эсрэг тэмцэх машсайн систем бүтээж чадна.ted2019 ted2019
There is a profound lesson here, one taught by prophets ancient and modern: while it is important to start the race, it is even more important that we finish with our torch still lit.
Би тэр хэдэн сар маш бага унтаж байсан.LDS LDS
I started studying kids and adults in all kinds of super challenging settings, and in every study my question was, who is successful here and why?
үл хамааран 60 хувь ньted2019 ted2019
23 sinne gevind in 23 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.