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/ˈwɑʃɪŋtən/ naamwoord, eienaam
A state of the United States of America. Capital: Olympia; largest city: Seattle.

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Washington, D.C.
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Washington, D.C.
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The rest of us were still residents of the state of Washington.
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Especially here in Washington, if you try to make a breakfast date, and you say, "How about eight o'clock?"
Мөн би үүгээрээ хэдэн жилийн өмнөх нэг үйл явдал хүртэл бахархсаар л байлаа.ted2019 ted2019
The article indicates that an Alaska Airlines nonstop flight from Anchorage, Alaska, to Seattle, Washington—a flight carrying 150 passengers—was diverted to a remote Alaskan town in order to transport a gravely injured child.
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When I was presiding over the Washington Seattle Mission, it rained many days of the year.
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Amy Adams of Washington, USA, was trying to decide which activities would be best for her three young children when a conversation with her mother changed her mind.
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“The last completely ‘normal’ year in history was 1913, the year before World War I began.”—Editorial in the Times-Herald, Washington, D.C., March 13, 1949.
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We recently teamed up with game scientists from the University of Washington to create a new online math game that rewarded yet.
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His wife has died, his friends are gone, and the portrait of King George III in the tavern has been replaced by a portrait of someone he does not recognize—by General George Washington.
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Through the years, the choir has traveled to 28 countries and performed in 37 states and Washington, D.C.
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WASHINGTON, 20 November, 2014 – Paying taxes has become easier over the past year for medium-sized companies around the world, the latest report from the World Bank Group and PwC finds.
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WASHINGTON, June 5, 2018—Despite recent softening, global economic growth will remain robust at 3.1 percent in 2018 before slowing gradually over the next two years, as advanced-economy growth decelerates and the recovery in major commodity-exporting emerging market and developing economies levels off, the World Bank said on Tuesday.
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Amy Paulsen of Washington, USA, appreciates Web sites that other mothers have created that provide lesson ideas and activities for teaching children gospel principles.
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“Abish and the Queen,” by Marley D., age 6, Washington, USA
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WASHINGTON, January 9, 2018— The World Bank forecasts global economic growth to edge up to 3.1 percent in 2018 after a much stronger-than-expected 2017, as the recovery in investment, manufacturing, and trade continues, and as commodity-exporting developing economies benefit from firming commodity prices.
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Worldwide Devotional for Young Adults • September 11, 2016 • Washington D.C. Stake Center
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Most of you would have been quite young when the attack on the World Trade Center in New York City and the Pentagon, here in the Washington D.C. area, occurred on this very day, September 11, 2001, 15 years ago.
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She was at their home near Washington, D.C., about 2,000 miles (3,200 km) away.
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And we figured that if the mainline churches didn’t have what we were looking for, a weird sect like Jehovah’s Witnesses couldn’t have it either.” —Kent, Washington, U.S.A.
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Worldwide Devotional for Young Adults • September 11, 2016 • Washington D.C. Stake Center
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George Washington Carver says all learning is understanding relationships.
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This time he was visiting the Washington, D.C., area, and she was at their home in Salt Lake City.
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WASHINGTON, D.C., September 26, 2007 — Thanks to reforms of business regulation, more businesses are starting up, finds Doing Business 2008—the fifth in an annual report series issued by the World Bank and IFC.
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The plane that crashed into the Pentagon near where we are tonight, Washington D.C., was also a terrorist suicide mission with similar devastating results.
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WASHINGTON, October 26 - Oil prices are forecast to rise to $56 a barrel in 2018 from $53 this year as a result of steadily growing demand, agreed production cuts among oil exporters and stabilizing U.S. shale oil production, while the surge in metals prices is expected to level off next year, the World Bank said on Thursday.
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From Idaho to Washington, D.C., members of the Church reached out to me and, more important, helped me to develop faith and righteous desires.
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59 sinne gevind in 9 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.