acute oor Mongools


/əˈkjuːt/, /əˈkjut/ adjektief, werkwoord, naamwoord

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21 And inasmuch as thy brethren shall rebel against thee, they shall be acut off from the presence of the Lord.
Анх удаагаа алт илгээж байгаа хэрэг биш, найз минь.LDS LDS
Peninnah had figured out a way to make even these annual occasions a source of acute pain for Hannah.
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18 Studies show that in many countries, there is an acute need, not for university graduates, but for people to work in the trades and services.
Мэдээж үгүй.jw2019 jw2019
Researchers are studying antlers, with the goal of building stronger helmets; they are looking at a species of fly that has acute hearing, with a view toward improving hearing aids; and they are examining the wing feathers of owls, with the idea of improving stealth airplanes.
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Products developed from human or animal hemoglobin have been used to treat patients who have acute anemia or massive blood loss.
Би Нью-Йорк хотын нэгэн сургуульдjw2019 jw2019
I had been diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
Хөөх. Тэгээд би ажлаа илүү сайн хийхийн тулд хөтөчөө солиод л болоо юу?LDS LDS
So in the industrialized world, we built walls that protect us from the externalities of our energy use; we can afford to clean up acute environmental disasters; and we can also afford to adapt to chronic conditions like climate change.
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DOREEN was shocked when her husband, Wesley, only 54 years of age, was diagnosed with an acutely aggressive brain tumor.
толинд хараад шүдээ угаадаг.jw2019 jw2019
* Most importantly, mineral resource revenues significantly increase opportunities for corruption, a risk that is particularly acute in Mongolia given the scale and pace of the change, a very heavy dependence on natural resources, and the already close connections between political and construction industry circles.
Үүнийг тийм ч олон хүн мэддэггүй
7 Reverential fear of God and acute awareness of his awesome power are precursors of trust and confidence in Jehovah.
харахын тулд бид энэ дотроос гарах хэрэгтэй болно.jw2019 jw2019
9 Inasmuch as ye are acut off for transgression, ye cannot escape the bbuffetings of cSatan until the day of redemption.
намайг тэвчээртэй сонсохыг хүсье.LDS LDS
Hearing may still remain very acute although the [patients] may seem asleep so do not say anything in their presence you would not say to them when awake.”
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As I accompanied a highly respected, elected leader through the temple, I noticed that his attention was acutely focused.
бүр ч их хариуцлага өндөр багшийн ажил хийхээр болсон.LDS LDS
It begins with sensory overload and acute sensitivity and resistance to any type of sound, touch, or light.
Хэтэрхий энгийн мэт сонсогдох энэ зүйлийг бид цаанаасаа болдог мэтээр боддог.LDS LDS
So it's a short-term acute measure, but for goodness sake, don't become addicted to alcohol as a way of getting to sleep every night.
төрөлтийн огцом өсөлттэй холбоотой.ted2019 ted2019
7 And now, ye see by this that our first parents were acut off both temporally and spiritually from the bpresence of the Lord; and thus we see they became subjects to follow after their own cwill.
тайван, хүндэтгэлтэйгээрLDS LDS
The thing about this is that the experience of the nuclear detonation is -- first of all, tens of millions of degrees Fahrenheit at the core here, where it goes off, and an extraordinary amount of energy in the form of heat, acute radiation and blast effects.
галактикийн оддын нэг нь юм.ted2019 ted2019
17 sinne gevind in 10 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.