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A state of the United States of America. Postal code: AZ, capital: Phoenix.

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On November 6, 1945, prayers were answered when the first group of Mexican Latter-day Saints arrived at the Mesa Arizona Temple to receive temple ordinances in their native tongue.
Бид хэрхэн үүнийг илүү өндөр түвшинд,LDS LDS
I was baptized when I was a 23-year-old young single adult attending medical school in Arizona, USA.
өөрсдийн болоод нийгмийнхээ манлайлагч болоход нь тусалсан.LDS LDS
When Devon and Michaela Stephens of Arizona, USA, created a budget, they had only a vague idea of how much money they spent each month.
Зарим кинон дээр хоёр эмэгтэй хоорондоо юм ярьдаг л даа.LDS LDS
They chose the banks of the San Pedro River in southern Arizona, USA, to set up our practice camp.
Тэд үйлдвэрт Шензений шинэчлэгчидтэйLDS LDS
1945: Temple ceremony translated into Spanish; beginning of excursions to the Mesa Arizona Temple.
тэдэнд бүгдэд нь номлолын сэдвийг тодорхой өгсөн байв.LDS LDS
Having recently completed basic flying instruction in Phoenix, Arizona, I had certified after a few hours of solo flying to take my first solo flight across the state.
Миний хуваалцах эцсийн үгс ч эд биш.LDS LDS
She wondered: “If I got up one Sunday morning in Arizona and found that my car wasn’t working, would I walk to my church only a few blocks away from home?
Фрейд далд ухамсарын тухай онолоо нээхэдLDS LDS
They married in the Mesa Arizona Temple and today are raising three wonderful children.
КА: Ганцхан надад л хэлчих. (Инээд)LDS LDS
On the long drive back to Arizona, I began to pray with faith—for the first time “with a sincere heart, with real intent” (Moroni 10:4).
энэ нууц олон хүний амьдралд нөлөөлсөн.LDS LDS
Each week as the Gilbert Arizona Temple is being built, Primary children from the Gilbert Arizona Highland Stake have set a goal to serve someone in their wards.
Асуулт: Хүмүүс гутлаа тайлж орж байгаа эсэхийг нь чи шалгана биз дээ?LDS LDS
One bishop in Arizona’s Peoria Stake has found gifting a yearlong subscription of the Friend to children in his ward to be an effective way to help surround them with the words of living prophets and apostles.
хийх болсноор өрнө дорноо нэгтгэх бодлого явуулж эхэлсэн.LDS LDS
That happened to Jerry, a Protestant gentleman in his mid-60s who lives in Mesa, Arizona.
"Балканы Барок".LDS LDS
The author lives in Arizona, USA.
нөхцөл байдлын тухай бичсэн байдаг.LDS LDS
I was engaged to be married the following month in the Mesa Arizona Temple.
гэдгийг хэлэх нь зүйтэй.LDS LDS
Twelve-year-old Brian R. of Arizona, USA, was preparing to pass the sacrament for the first time.
Эд бүгд ирээдүйн энх тайвныг бүтээх бүрдэл хэсэг болно гэдэгт итгэлтэй байна.LDS LDS
I wondered if each of those enthusiastic Arizona youth knew their own Church history—if they knew the history of how their family came to be members of the Church.
Чулууг оройд гаргах үед буцаад доошоо өнхөрчLDS LDS
President Monson Announces Third New Temple in Arizona
Гэхдээ миний сурсан зүйл бол өөрийгөө өөд нь татаад,LDS LDS
It happened one mid-December day as Amy Johnston, a Cub Scout den leader in Gilbert, Arizona, took the opportunity to teach a group of energetic eight-year-old boys about the birth of Jesus.
Залуус чамайг зодно.LDS LDS
We found many family members, prepared their information, and went to the Mesa Arizona Temple to perform their baptisms and confirmations.
Өөр нэг зүйл ньLDS LDS
So, his mother packed a little lunch for us, and we took his grandfather’s pickup truck and headed south onto what we call the old Arizona Strip.
Яг тэр л орчин нөхцөлд,LDS LDS
On April 28 he announced plans to build temples in Gilbert and Gila Valley, Arizona.
Боливт, жишээлбэл, эрэгтэй хүн ядуу хүүхдийг хүчиндвэлLDS LDS
This morning I am pleased to announce two additional temples, which in coming months and years will be built in the following locations: Tucson, Arizona, and Arequipa, Peru.
Нэгт, ургамлын. Та нар бараг ойлгох байх.LDS LDS
Abagail P., age 14, Arizona, USA
-Хэн ийм юм хийдэг байна аа?LDS LDS
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