bedroom oor Mongools


/ˈbedruːm/ naamwoord
a room in a house where a bed is kept for sleeping

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room in a house where a bed is kept for sleeping

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As I entered her bedroom, I saw my 10-year-old daughter kneeling beside her bed, weeping.
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Look around his bedroom.
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Soon we would be home, where I could escape into my bedroom.
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This was our bedroom, our parlor, our sitting room, our kitchen, our sleeping room, everything in this room of about 12 by 16 feet [3.6 by 4.9 m].
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Sales of bedroom set
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I touched her beautiful, innocent face, and then I walked off to my bedroom.
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She grabbed a handful of candy, screwed the lid back on, and raced down the hallway toward her bedroom.
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“On the night of September 21, 1823, Joseph retired to his attic bedroom in his family’s log home in Palmyra, New York, but he stayed awake after the others in the room had gone to sleep, earnestly praying to know more about God’s purposes for him.
Тийм ээ, технологи олон ажлыг орлох болно.LDS LDS
It invades the home and a child’s bedroom via the Internet.” 4 The demonstration of righteous courage will often be as subtle as to click or not to click.
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Sold bedroom furniture
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Clara went to her bedroom and put on her new pajamas.
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I excused myself for a moment and went to my bedroom, where I knelt and prayed to Heavenly Father and asked Him for help in dealing with my father.
Амьдралд тохиолддог хүн хэцүү стрессүүд,LDS LDS
In the course of that book, he describes a moment -- just months after Carol has died -- he comes across her picture on the mantel, or on a bureau in his bedroom.
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Now I had my own bedroom.
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Just as I started for the bedroom, I heard a metallic swoosh sound behind me.
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Checking the children as I passed their bedrooms, I could see that they were sleeping soundly.
Бид өөр хоорондоо гүнзгий нэвтрэлцсэн байдаг.LDS LDS
In a panic, Connor hit the off button on the computer and ran to his bedroom.
Жоохон хүүрнэх зохиол маягийн.LDS LDS
Mike’s old bedroom has become my genealogy workroom.
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His father pointed to a picture of the First Presidency hanging on the wall of the bedroom.
Тиймээс тэр ертѳнц бидэнд үгүйлэгдэхгүй.LDS LDS
He takes off his shoes and walks quietly to the door of a bedroom.
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On the night of September 21, 1823, Joseph retired to his attic bedroom in his family’s log home in Palmyra, New York, but he stayed awake after the others in the room had gone to sleep, earnestly praying to know more about God’s purposes for him.
Өөр тоо баримт ирээдүйд ч гарч ирнэ.LDS LDS
There I lay in bed, and Sister Abraham brought Sara to the bedroom door.
Тийм болохоор би байгалийн хийнээс давуу болно гэсэн итгэлтэй байна.LDS LDS
They made a list of things they did not need, and within three months they moved from their three-bedroom apartment to a single-bedroom place, sold some things, and became debt free.
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Narda’s husband was also interested, but he was shy and listened from the bedroom.
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Approximately three years later, in response to earnest prayer on the evening of September 21, 1823, Joseph’s bedroom filled with light until it was “lighter than at noonday” (Joseph Smith—History 1:30).
Энэ хүн бүрт хамаатай.LDS LDS
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