clear out oor Mongools

clear out

(idiomatic, transitive) to completely empty

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The men should clear out because we don't want to share this technology with the men.
тэгээд бусадтай нийлж тэр мөрөөдөлдөө хүрэх.ted2019 ted2019
Went to the roof, and all the women said, "Clear out.
Энэ нь эргээд хүний мөн чанарыг ингэж дүгнэхэд хүргэж байна.ted2019 ted2019
Went to the roof, and all the women said, " Clear out.
21-р зууны сүүлдQED QED
To preserve the congregation’s purity, the elders needed to clear out the “leaven.”
Илүү дэлгэрэнгүй хариулт гэвэл:jw2019 jw2019
The Israelites were commanded ‘to clear out what was evil from their midst.’
Санхүүгийн хөрөнгийн дэлхий нийтийн бүртгэл,jw2019 jw2019
She didn't have a mechanical suction because you could count on electricity, so she used a mouth suction, and within 20 seconds, she was clearing out that little girl's airways.
Оригамиг эвлүүлэхэд илүү амархан байсан өмнөх туршилтаарted2019 ted2019
Lymphatic vessels, which serve as pathways for immune cells, have recently been discovered in the brain, and they may also play a role in clearing out the brain's daily waste products.
тосгоны төвд цементэн барилга босгожted2019 ted2019
People’s needs and priorities were expressed out loud and clear,” he said.
Микроскопоороо харж байгааг нь, ус уунгаа
How do I stand out as the clear choice?
Бостоноос Бейрут хүртэл бид нэгдэж байна.LDS LDS
Certainly, we would all do well to follow Paul’s clear advice to “widen out” —yes, widen out in our love for fellow Christians from different backgrounds. —2 Corinthians 6:13.
хүүхдийн үхлийг зогсооход хэрэглэж болно.jw2019 jw2019
The answer to that question makes it clear that they are not carrying out the work that Christ began. w16.05 2:13, 16
яг түүн шиг гараа ингэж хөдөлгөж,jw2019 jw2019
In turn, using a clear, easy-to-read Bible helps us to carry out our preaching work.
тэр зоригтойгоор "Аав шоронд байгаа" гэлээ.jw2019 jw2019
16 Further describing the blessings this royal priesthood will bring, Revelation 22:1, 2 states: “He showed me a river of water of life, clear as crystal, flowing out from the throne of God and of the Lamb down the middle of [New Jerusalem’s] broad way.
Хэрвээ та сайн бодоод үзэх юм болjw2019 jw2019
When you broaden out in this way, you will see clear evidence of the uniting power of God’s Word and spirit.
Гол нь корпорациудын психопати.jw2019 jw2019
Unless the curriculum has already done so, a teacher should make the effort to write out the doctrines and principles in clear, succinct statements.
Порно кино үзвэлLDS LDS
Point out the line that states, “Church records offer no clear insights into the origins of this practice.”
Одоо мэдлэгээ шилжүүлэх, нөөцөөр хангах санхүүжилт л дутаад байна.LDS LDS
The boy’s innocent enthusiasm made it clear —he did not feel that he was deprived or missing out!
Гэхдээ хэн нэг нь иймэрхүү төрлийн юм хэлэхэд бид тэгтлээ гайхаад байдаггүй,jw2019 jw2019
Point out that the instructions found in these verses form a clear pattern for Church members to follow.
Учир нь энэ их аюултай.LDS LDS
In Utica, when it became clear that Lucy was out of cash, the man abandoned the family—but not until after a failed attempt to steal their wagon, during which he tossed their belongings to the ground.17 Somehow the family pressed on until all arrived safely in Palmyra, tearfully collapsing into the arms of Joseph Smith Sr.
бидний хийсэн ажил олж харсан юм.LDS LDS
A few weeks later I went out to dinner with some friends again, making it clear I wouldn’t drink with them.
Их хэмжээний мэдээллийг ухаан зарж ашиглах болон биеэрээ мэдрээд ойлгохLDS LDS
23 To “get out of” Babylon the Great involves making it very clear that we are no longer part of any false religion.
Өмнө нь мэддэггүй байсан тул гайхсан.jw2019 jw2019
The plan lays out for us a clear picture and understanding of the beginning and the end and the essential steps, including ordinances, which are necessary for each of Father’s children to be able to return to His presence and dwell with Him forever.
Энэ миний дуртай нийтийг хамгаалалтын зураг..LDS LDS
20 The worldwide report for the 2006 service year, set out on pages 27 to 30, gives clear evidence that these faithful ministers are truly rendering Jehovah “sacred service day and night.”
Эдгээр багуудын гишүүдийн дундаж IQ оноо нь чjw2019 jw2019
14 And to anone else will I grant this power, to receive this same testimony among this generation, in this the beginning of the rising up and the coming forth of my bchurch out of the wilderness—clear as the cmoon, and fair as the sun, and terrible as an army with banners.
нилээд ялгаатай нь харагдаж байна.LDS LDS
40 sinne gevind in 18 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.