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What are some of society’s standards that are not compatible with the standards of the Church?
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She gave the example of dating a guy she liked, and after they were intimate, she didn’t feel they were compatible and the relationship didn’t work out.
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Ultimately, I explained to her that I believe you can get to know each other really well in other ways, and if you do so and build trust while living the law of chastity, there will be greater compatibility when you get married.
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This is emblematic of our own day, where gospel truths are often rejected or distorted to make them intellectually more appealing or compatible with current cultural trends and intellectual philosophies.
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Please get “anxiously engaged”6 in spiritual and social activities compatible with your goal of a temple marriage.
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Loving the world and its transitory things and ways is not compatible with loving God and what originates with him.
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Since neither viewpoint is compatible with God’s thinking, we should work hard to remove any such feelings from our heart. —Psalm 139:23, 24.
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Trial Marriage: Many couples claim that living together before marriage will help them test out their compatibility.
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These principles build strong, satisfying marriages that are compatible with heavenly principles.
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Already anxious about being unmarried, I doubted whether I could find another person with whom I was as compatible.
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You may want to point out that Moroni gave similar counsel when he taught that we are to “deny [ourselves] of all ungodliness” [Moroni 10:32], meaning that we are to avoid anything that is not compatible with the Spirit of God.)
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If you are considering marriage, look for someone whose personality, spiritual goals, and love for God are compatible with your own.
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Visit for information about compatibility.
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In other words, are you compatible?
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(2 Timothy 3:1; Romans 3:23) Hence, even a compatible, spiritually-minded couple will face occasional problems.
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Monson: “Where once the standards of the Church and the standards of society were mostly compatible, now there is a wide chasm between us, and it’s growing ever wider” (“Priesthood Power,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2011, 66).
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Link: Is the Bible compatible with science?
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Question: Is the Bible compatible with science?
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In what way is Jehovah’s long-suffering compatible with his justice?
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Bill waited for 30 years before he met a sister with whom he was compatible.
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Several close friends and family members were tested to see if their kidneys were compatible.
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One who knew them well wrote: “Despite a difference of twenty-six years in their ages and differences in temperament, background, and training, Joseph Fielding and Jessie Evans Smith were remarkably compatible.
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Are your goals compatible?
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While widely accepted in the world, this reasoning does not demonstrate faith, does not comply with counsel of modern prophets, and is not compatible with sound doctrine.
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37 sinne gevind in 9 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.