compensation oor Mongools


/ˌkɒmpɛnˈseɪʃən/ naamwoord
The act or principle of compensating.

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(7) What causes anemia, and what can be done to compensate for it?
Тэгвэл бид газрын зурагны өөрчлөлтөөс айж байна.jw2019 jw2019
Why will God compensate us for any past suffering?
Миний хувьд, нарийвчилсан анагаах ухаан маш онцгой газраас улбаатай.jw2019 jw2019
14 The fact that there is no way to compensate for adultery should impel one to avoid this grossly selfish act.
бусад хүмүүс ч тэдний нүдээр ертөнцийг харж,jw2019 jw2019
Jehovah designed its minute brain with the ability to compensate for the sun’s movement.
Хүмүүс санааг минь шоолж байсан.jw2019 jw2019
When we “inhale” the praise of others, that praise will be our compensation.
Өнөөх залуу сэтгэлээр их унаж.LDS LDS
The Atonement also satisfies the debt justice owes to us by healing and compensating us for any suffering we innocently endure.
Ийм захианд хариу бичихэд солиормоор зүйлс болдог.LDS LDS
It has more to do with changing supply and demand for skill, the race between education and technology, globalization, probably more unequal access to skills in the U.S., where you have very good, very top universities but where the bottom part of the educational system is not as good, so very unequal access to skills, and also an unprecedented rise of top managerial compensation of the United States, which is difficult to account for just on the basis of education.
Авахыг хүссэн зүйл нь газрын тос, алмааз,ted2019 ted2019
Many resort to expletives to emphasize their speech or to compensate for an otherwise limited vocabulary.
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“Since ‘no other success can compensate for failure’ [in our families], we must place high priority on our families.
бидний хийсэн ажил олж харсан юм.LDS LDS
Heavenly Father’s generous compensation for living in perilous times is that we also live in the fulness of times.
үйлдвэрийн гаралтайг. Энэ нь дахин хэрэглэгдэж болохLDS LDS
26 That is how God will compensate us for the suffering we may have endured in this world.
Ямартай ч бид эмнэлэг ч гэсэн ийм гоёмсог байж болно гэдгийг мартсан.jw2019 jw2019
For instance, a lawsuit may be the only mechanism available in getting a divorce decree, acquiring custody of a child, determining alimony payments, obtaining insurance compensation, being listed among creditors in a bankruptcy proceeding, and probating wills.
"Таймс" сэтгүүлд хамт ажилладаг нөхөр мааньjw2019 jw2019
How can grown children pay “due compensation” to their parents?
заримдаа мөнгө зарцуулсан байдаг байв.jw2019 jw2019
October 25, 2012 - South Korea is obligated to provide adequate compensation to 388 conscientious objectors among Jehovah’s Witnesses for violating their rights
Та нар энэ бүхэн яаж харагддаг тухай гайхаж байгаа байх.jw2019 jw2019
It didn’t seem wrong to desire that my children be more grateful, but in that moment of clarity, I saw that my desire was more about me receiving praise or compensation than it was about them learning gratitude.
Миний ажил бол хүний энэ талыг ашиглах,LDS LDS
The need for this Fall and for an atonement to compensate for it was explained in a premortal Council in Heaven at which the spirits of the entire human family attended and over which God the Father presided.
Бидний тооцоолж буйгаар, энэ хантаазыг 3 сар ѳмссѳний дараагаарLDS LDS
Wirthlin stated: “The Lord compensates the faithful for every loss.
номнууд бичиж, эдгээр ньLDS LDS
As I repented, I decided that I must do everything possible to compensate for the years I had lost.
Тэд нь магадгүй хэрэглэж болохоор хэвээрээ л байх.LDS LDS
And as evil increases in the world, there will be a compensating power of the gift of the Holy Ghost for the righteous.
Энэ бол физикийн хуулийнLDS LDS
“The Lord compensates the faithful for every loss.
Англи гэж юу вэ? Яагаад би тийшээ явж байгаа юм бэ?LDS LDS
Nothing else can fully compensate for its absence in our daily routine.
Нууц жороо өгч болох уу?LDS LDS
Just as your second eye compensates for this blind spot, the Book of Mormon provides a similar benefit to the Bible.
21 дүгээр зуунд амжилт гаргахын тулд хөгжүүлэх хамгийн чухал чадварLDS LDS
The Atonement also satisfies the debt justice owes to us by healing and compensating us for any suffering we innocently endure.
бол иймэрхүү хэмжээтэй л байхад хангалттай.LDS LDS
“When we described our call and that we would serve for three years without compensation from the Church, they respected the goodness of that,” he says.
тэдгээрийг сонгох нь тавиураас ном авахтай адил хялбар.LDS LDS
The blessings more than compensate for the challenges!
номон доторх текст болон зургийг нь илүү сонирхдог.jw2019 jw2019
50 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.