competitor oor Mongools


A person or organization against whom one is competing.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Mongools


participant in a competition

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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Or is it too late, and there's already too many competitors?
Нэг өдөр би өрөөндөө байж байталted2019 ted2019
Here's this new phone and here's the sucking competitors. "
энэхүү гарз ньQED QED
Her competitors don’t offer cold water; they also do not have convenient locations.
юугаар орлуулахыг хэн ч мэдэхгүй байлаа.LDS LDS
What value will you provide that competitors do not offer?
Бид үгсийг уншаад зураглал бүтээдэг болLDS LDS
Many years ago an executive of a large retailer called me to talk about his company, which was being bought out by one of its competitors.
Хүсэн хүлээгээгүй сорилт бэрхшээлүүд дэлхий дээрх аялалуудын тань үед гарцаагүй тохиолдох хэдий ч, эдгээр зарчмууд та нарт аз жаргалыг авчрах болно.LDS LDS
However, even more impressive and surprising to the world was the way she reached out and demonstrated Christlike love to her competitors.
Тэгэхээр мөнгө бол ажил хийхLDS LDS
Their competitors are equally qualified to make all of these products.
байж болох зүйл гэж бодож байна.ted2019 ted2019
Nothing distinguishes them structurally from any of their competitors.
аюулгүй байдлаа хангахын тулд нарны гэрэлд цэнэглэдэг гэрэл тараан өгөх замаарted2019 ted2019
* Who are your competitors?
булан тойроод доромжлол, зүхэлLDS LDS
Competitors sell to customers for:
амаргүй байж магадгүй ч юу ч гэсэн хараад үз.LDS LDS
* Who are your competitors?
♫Өөрийнхөө газар дээр зогсох боломж одоо надад байна♫LDS LDS
(Genesis 2:18) God created Eve as “a complement,” not as a competitor.
Ингэх нь амархан эсэхийг мэдэхгүй юм.jw2019 jw2019
EM: Since our primary competitors are national governments, the enforceability of patents is questionable.(
хөгжлийн бэрхшээлтэй хүмүүс загварчлан сэтгэх үйл явцын хүрээндted2019 ted2019
* What do competitors charge?
Тэгээд би хэдийг бол оллоо.LDS LDS
Schools, communities, our friends in the public sector and our friends in the private sector — yes, on that day even our competitors, we all join hands to celebrate the world's most important public health intervention.
Зарим нь цалингаа бодох томьёог заана.ted2019 ted2019
We will watch people, talk with customers, talk with competitors, and try products.
цаашаа дата төв рүү шуудангаар илгээнэ.LDS LDS
After doing some research by talking to competitors and customers, Daniel learned (1) people do not like metal furniture because it gets too hot in the summer, (2) metal furniture is harder to make, and (3) metal supplies cost more than wood.
Бид хоёрын оюун санаа арай өндөр төвшинийLDS LDS
18 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.