concrete oor Mongools


/ˈkɒŋkriːt/, /ˈkɑːnkriːt/ adjektief, werkwoord, naamwoord
Particular, perceivable, real.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Mongools


building material


not abstract


particular, perceivable, real


composite construction material

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings


Advanced filtering
Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Children tend to think in concrete, black-and-white terms.
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Footings are pads of concrete that are wider than the foundation.
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We need to respond to his love in concrete ways.
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So separation -- hopefully with dirt or concrete, or being in a basement -- distance and time is what will save you.
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In particular, participants discussed the findings of recent studies on tax, customs, and licensing, and concrete steps needed to address corruption and red tape, both of which have been highlighted as key barriers to the private sector.
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“As the Government defines a set of concrete actions including drafting a new legislation that will stipulate guidelines of mineral wealth management, the International conference will help develop a consensus around key issues”, said Mr. S. Purev, Vice Minister of Finance, underscoring the importance of the conference.
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They received us very well, but they liked to debate the scriptures and asked us for concrete evidence regarding the truthfulness of what we were teaching.
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Our intention in producing the study on Land Administration and Management was to stimulate public discussion on land management practices, and to propose concrete policy recommendations for improvements, all of which can be found in the report.
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In temperate climates, the cycle of seasons freezes and thaws these waterways, cracking pavement and concrete foundations.
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Leaking pipes cause the same reaction in concrete buildings, and within 200 winters, most skyscrapers buckle and tumble down.
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In many temples, concrete or steel piles are driven deep into the earth to anchor the temple foundation.
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And as sunken skyscrapers add crumbled concrete to the new forest floor, the soil acidity plummets, potentially allowing new plant life to thrive.
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An incorrect amount or exclusion of any portion of these elements would make the concrete weak and not able to perform its important function.
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Yes, love does require a creative, concrete and ingenious attitude.
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For example, in the process of making concrete, precise amounts of sand, gravel, cement, and water are used in order to achieve maximum strength.
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Investigators found that city officials had been bribed to allow contractors to use substandard concrete and to violate safety rules.
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I think that there is a difference for teachers between the abstract of how we see our practice and then the concrete reality of it.
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In cities built in river deltas like Houston, these buildings eventually wash away completely - filling nearby tributaries with crushed concrete.
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It's a very concrete wish that we invent this technology.
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The weekend ideation marathon - or “ideathon”- was part of Code4Green UB, an innovation and startup competition convening unlikely allies – students, sector specialists, government representatives, developers, and other stakeholders – to develop concrete ideas to address green growth challenges related to energy, transport, water and air quality.
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And for 18 years, those 57 meters of concrete stayed grey.
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Israel would have been a model kingdom for its neighbors, providing concrete proof that obedience to the true God brings spiritual and material blessings.
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The report lays out concrete steps for improving learning for lagging systems in the region and beyond, starting with ensuring that institutions are aligned so that objectives and responsibilities across the education system are consistent with each other.
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The concrete footings and foundations were then tied to the granite bedrock with rock anchors to resist even torrential wind and powerful groundwater.
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