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The act or method of controlling or directing

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If my peers try to pressure me into wrong conduct, what will I do?
Хэдийгээр баялгийн тэгш бус байдал ньjw2019 jw2019
Those who hold keys of priesthood authority and responsibility help us prepare by conducting temple recommend interviews.
гүйцэтгэх тал дээр хүн машинтай өрсөлдөж чадахгүй.LDS LDS
How might you conduct a Bible study using the brochure?
Тэнгисийн яг хаана нь шумбагч чиньjw2019 jw2019
His conduct threatened the purity of the congregation and was a scandal even among nonbelievers.
анч амьтдын баримлаар дүүрэн эдлэн газарт очсон юм.jw2019 jw2019
“Remember those who are taking the lead among you, who have spoken the word of God to you, and as you contemplate how their conduct turns out, imitate their faith.” —Heb.
Хүмүүс энэ хямд буудлуудад олон арван жилjw2019 jw2019
The Conducting Course manual also provides instruction for organizing and conducting choirs.
Бид үүнийг лабораторидоо хийж байгаа.LDS LDS
19, 20. (a) Why may a Christian’s fine conduct bring glory to God?
Гэхдээ тэдний харилцааны чадвар үнэхээрийн гайхалтай.jw2019 jw2019
The bishop regularly attends and presides over the priests quorum presidency meeting, and one of his assistants conducts it.
Ийм их хүч, сэтгэл гаргаж.LDS LDS
1-3. (a) How do many feel about the opportunity to conduct Bible studies?
хэмжүүрүүдийн заалтуудыг зэрэг унших гэж байснаас оронд нь биеэрээ мэдрэх юм.jw2019 jw2019
If you are presently conducting a Bible study with a student whose mate has no desire to take part in true worship, why not hold regular practice sessions to help the student to approach issues tactfully?
Боловсрол оюуныг чинь хурцлан,jw2019 jw2019
Should we not be diligent in making return visits and conducting Bible studies with interested ones?
Харин одоо үүнийг нь хэн ч үзэхгүй гэсэн бодол түүнийг хямраасан байна.jw2019 jw2019
* (Revelation 16:15) We do not want to shed our Christian qualities and standards of conduct and allow Satan’s world to mold us.
харин зарим нь хүссэнээрээ ажлаа хойшлуулж,jw2019 jw2019
It is not always easy, but we know that our exemplary conduct pleases Jehovah and often has a good effect on non-Witnesses. —1 Peter 2:18-20; 3:1.
Ажилд авах, тушаал дэвшүүлэх эсвэл цалин нэмэх хэлцэлдjw2019 jw2019
Ministerial servants may be assigned to handle certain parts on the Life and Ministry Meeting, including conducting the Congregation Bible Study if needed, and delivering public talks.
Гол асуудал түвшиндээ байгаа.jw2019 jw2019
The apostle Peter was inspired to write: “Since all these things are to be dissolved in this way, consider what sort of people you ought to be in holy acts of conduct and deeds of godly devotion, as you await and keep close in mind the presence of the day of Jehovah . . .
Бусдыг хөнөөх энэ заншил нь надад огт утгагүй санагдажjw2019 jw2019
Although the conduct and attitude of his disciples sometimes left much to be desired, Jesus knew that at heart they really wanted to do God’s will, and he loved them on that account.
ярих үед миний үзэл бодол тэр чигээрээ өөрчлөгдсөн.jw2019 jw2019
In the late afternoon when I was conducting temple recommend interviews, Mama Taamino was brought to where I was seated in the shade of a tree near the chapel.
Намайг очихоос 7 хоногийн өмнөLDS LDS
The bad conduct of certain Israelites who made sacrifices in Isaiah’s day showed what?
Дуу авиан ертѳнцийг би биен дээрээ мэдэрч байна.jw2019 jw2019
21 Individuals who do not conduct themselves in harmony with divine requirements are ‘vessels lacking honor.’
хоёр нялах хүүхэдтэй эмэгтэй байхад нь ихэд гайхлаа.jw2019 jw2019
They will find helpful principles by reviewing published direction regarding how to conduct the Watchtower Study.
Ээж минь дайнд үрэгдэж,jw2019 jw2019
A Watchtower Study that is well-conducted is like a bouquet of flowers that delights the eye.
Хийнд атомууд маш хурдан хөдлөх бөгөөдjw2019 jw2019
17 In the congregation, there may be times when no elders and ministerial servants are available to perform a task normally assigned to them, such as conducting a meeting for field service.
Үүнийг зогсоохгүй болjw2019 jw2019
If a baptized female Witness conducts such a study with a baptized male Witness present, she would rightly wear a head covering.”
тэр нь: халаасны хулгайjw2019 jw2019
Our record of Christian conduct speaks for itself.
байдал дордсоор амь насанд заналхийлэхэдjw2019 jw2019
Customers’ satisfaction survey is conducted once in two years with all reports placed on the NSO website.
Тэгээд тэр "Нээрээ, ээж ээ,
201 sinne gevind in 6 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.