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/ˌdaɪəˈbiːtiːz/, /ˌdaɪəlbiːtiːz/, /ˌdaɪəˈbiːtɪs/ naamwoord
The inability of the body to produce, or the inability to metabolize, the human hormone insulin.

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diabetes mellitus
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Help with Diabetes
Өөр өөр даалгаврыг нь өөр өнгүүдээрLDS LDS
Sleeplessness may also cause inflammation, halluciations, high blood pressure, and it's even been linked to diabetes and obesity.
одоо үргэлж айж явах боллоо.ted2019 ted2019
We have learned how diabetes management can affect the body.
хэмжүүрүүдийн заалтуудыг зэрэг унших гэж байснаас оронд нь биеэрээ мэдрэх юм.LDS LDS
Like Gary, she has diabetes.
АР: Кармаагаа шалга даа. Карманд дотор чинь хэвээрээ байна уу (инээлдэх)jw2019 jw2019
Meanwhile, most East Asian health systems aren’t prepared for age-related spending, as cancer, heart disease, diabetes and other chronic illnesses could account for 85 percent of all disease burdens by 2030.
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She was slipping into a diabetic coma and needed to get to the hospital quickly.
♫ Бардам сэтгэлээ гээгээгүй шүү, харин ч♫LDS LDS
I felt very blessed for my obedience to the Word of Wisdom the day my doctor discontinued my medications for diabetes and high blood pressure.
Тиймээс нэгэн гайхалтай туршилт хийжээ.LDS LDS
Typical features include visual impairment leading to blindness, obesity, extra fingers and/ or toes, developmental delay, coordination problems, diabetes mellitus, osteoarthritis, and kidney abnormalities.
Намайг өмнө нь Баруун Эрэгт ажиллаж байхадjw2019 jw2019
But all of our main diseases, heart diseases, heart attacks and strokes, most of the cancers, prostate cancer, colon cancer, breast cancer, pancreatic cancer, ovarian cancer, kidney disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, high blood pressure, obesity, asthma, 4 main factors that cause them.
Энэ үнэхээр гайхалтай таамаг шүү.QED QED
Lydia was older and blind from years of battling diabetes.
Бүгд гараа өргөлөө.LDS LDS
(Psalm 78:40, 41) Suppose a diabetic failed to stick to the healthy diet that had been prescribed for his good and kept eating what was bad for him.
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“Finally, exhausted, her body racked by the effects of diabetes, she passed away at the age of sixty-seven.
Та бүгд хүн юм байна.LDS LDS
Therefore, diabetes 2.
10-15 минут баяр хөөртэй байдаг байлаа.ted2019 ted2019
I am a 57-year-old grandmother who was diagnosed with diabetes in June 2006.
бас бидний амьдралын 32 жилийг авдаг гэж ярилцсан.LDS LDS
My best friend Daren, four of his aunts and uncles have died from diabetes.
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I could carry on as I was and risk succumbing to diabetes, heart disease, or cancer, which ran in my family, or I could take control and make my health a priority.
Тэр Доад хандан "Охиныг минь аваач.LDS LDS
My fears were confirmed and intensified at her doctor’s appointment—Carlie was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes.
тухайн үедээ маш том нөлөө үзүүлсэн.LDS LDS
Studies have shown that optimal hydration can lower the chance of stroke, help manage diabetes, and potentially reduce the risk of certain types of cancer.
Үүнтэй адилаар үр хүүхдүүд минь ингэж асууна:ted2019 ted2019
And fully a third of the kids that we've been talking about tonight are on track to have diabetes in their lifetime.
Яваандаа ажилдаа авсан авьяаслаг, бүтээлч хүмүүс мааньted2019 ted2019
But a report published in 2013 noted that each year a staggering nine million people under the age of 60 die from heart disease, stroke, cancer, respiratory disease, and diabetes.
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Can you take images of the eye and diagnose an eye disease called diabetic retinopathy?
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And diabetes, osteoporosis, obesity?
Тэр шериф их онцгой гэдгийг хэлэх хэрэгтэй.QED QED
Recent studies have found that sitting for long periods is linked with some types of cancers and heart disease and can contribute to diabetes, kidney and liver problems.
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бусдаасаа илүү таалагддаг.ted2019 ted2019
They have had many sleepless nights, even rushing him to the hospital when he has a diabetic crisis.
Ливанд 10 жилийн дарааjw2019 jw2019
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