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/iʧ/, /iːʧ/ naamwoord, bywoord
all; every; qualifying a singular noun, indicating all examples of the thing so named seen as individual or separate items (compare every)

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Then invite quorum or class members to offer ideas and suggestions for how each youth can meet his or her goal.
эцэст нь надтай нийлээд 4 хүн үлдсэн.LDS LDS
It’s complicated to go out with a girl just as friends, unless the girl knows how people date in the United States: going out together to get to know each other and just become friends.
Харин Бурханы хайр төгс, бүрэн дүүрэн бөгөөд амин хувиа хичээдэггүй.LDS LDS
(Ideally, this would be the same person each week.)
эдгээр бичлэг болон сурагчдын асуулга ньLDS LDS
What can the young women do to support each other as they strive to live up to their true identity as daughters of God?
Нэгдүгээрт, дорой хөгжилтэй орнуудад хүчирхэг эрүүл мэндийн систем хэрэгтэй.LDS LDS
Learn their names, and call them by name during each lesson.
Энэ шинэ зүйл биш.LDS LDS
Provide each group with a copy of the following handout, and invite them to complete it:
Вэнити Фэйр сэтгүүлийн удирдлагаLDS LDS
Each of the activities below can help the quorum members understand the importance of the Book of Mormon.
Мурууд Өмнөд Испанийг байлдан дагуулан, зан заншлыг нь хуулбарлаж аван,LDS LDS
* Have students read to each other.
Би таны гарнаас гаргаж авч чадвал та гайхах уу? Тийм гэж хэлээрэйLDS LDS
Feasting on the word of God each day is more important than sleep, school, work, television shows, video games, or social media.
Гэхдээ та түүхийн хуудаснаас сөхөж харвалLDS LDS
How long does it usually take for us to forgive each other?
Гэхдээ та бүхэндjw2019 jw2019
And just like every Sunday, we started reading the secrets out loud to each other."
Нэгт, 3D-гээр хэвлэхэд маш уддаг.ted2019 ted2019
3 Paul realized that if Christians are to continue cooperating in harmony, each of them must make an earnest effort to promote unity.
ажлын үр дүнг нүдэн дээр нь устгахтай адил хор нөлөөтэй аж.jw2019 jw2019
He wanted each of us to repent and prepare to “stand before the judgment-seat of Christ” (see Mormon 3:18–22).
Гэвч миний хамтран ажилладаг технологийн фирмүүдээс аль нь чLDS LDS
Each of the activities below will help quorum members learn about the premortal life.
охид тусдаа хооллож, аяга тавгаа угаадаг зэрэгLDS LDS
Each of the activities below will help the young women learn about the purpose of life.
Намайг энэ асуултад хариулахыг хичээх бүрт амаргүй байдаг байсан.LDS LDS
However, it will likely be possible for them to support at least some meetings for service each week.
Энэ он жилүүдэд улс үндэстэн мааньjw2019 jw2019
He then took me with him right after the meeting, and we walked around the neighborhood, visiting each of the young men on the quorum list and inviting them to come back.
Тархины бичлэг хийх төхөөрөмжийн хариухоёуланд нь адил гардаг.LDS LDS
Give each child a piece of paper, and invite them to draw some good things to do on the Sabbath.
Бид мөн ажлаа хуваах, ашиг ноогдуулах, яваандаа хамтран эзэмших зэрэгLDS LDS
After class begins, invite a few students to draw connecting lines between each of the threats listed in the left-hand column and the ways to combat them listed in the right-hand column.
Энэ номоо бүтээх үедээ бидLDS LDS
They might also consider what they could do each day to consciously remember that they are children of Heavenly Father and to plan to record in a journal how remembering this sacred truth affects their actions.
Үүний дүнд, Энэтхэгээс хоёр дахин том газар нутагтайLDS LDS
For each goal, do the following:
Энэ өнөөдөр миний хуваалцах сүүлийн нууц.jw2019 jw2019
In each example, we will identify a Scriptural principle that can help us make a wise decision.
орон нутгийн байгууллагуудтай хамтранjw2019 jw2019
In each of the examples below, write the word—feast, snack, or starve—that best describes how well you seek to know the words of Christ in that setting.
Над руу байнга залгах юм" гэлээ.LDS LDS
To help each of us recognize answers given, the Lord said:
эвгүй санагдах байх.LDS LDS
Each is unique in her personal history and her challenges.
намайг барьж авах болов уу,LDS LDS
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