electrical network oor Mongools

electrical network

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Mongools

Цахилгаан хэлхээ

interconnection of electrical components or a model of such an interconnection, consisting of electrical elements

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The electricity distribution network also needs to be upgraded to handle higher heating loads.
Алла, олэ, олэ, Алла, гайхалтай, бравоworldbank.org worldbank.org
The project’s scale up will enable the government of Mongolia to further reduce losses in distribution networks and to address urgent investment needs for Ulaanbaatar electricity distribution network.
Би үргэлж хүмүүсийн хувцасны шүүгээг нээж үздэг байлаа. (Инээд)worldbank.org worldbank.org
“The project will support the carrying out of critical investments in Ulaanbaatar Electricity Distribution Network Company, development of distribution and transmission planning activities for Ulaanbaatar and the central region and building capacity of utility staff in system planning and related activities such as information technology and project management,.”said Tumentsogt Tsevegmid, Infrastructure Operations Officer and Task Team Leader of the Energy project.
дэлхий болон энэ тоо баримт үнэхээр аймаар санагдаж байна.worldbank.org worldbank.org
The project will finance investments to upgrade and expand the capacity of power distribution infrastructure in the Baganuur-Southeast and the Erdenet-Bulgan distribution networks, which supply electricity to nine of Mongolia’s 21 provinces.
нэг залуу алхан орж ирэв.worldbank.org worldbank.org
* The Second Energy Sector Project aims is to improve reliability and sustainability of electricity services in Mongolia, and includes the rehabilitation of distribution networks in two regional distribution networks, as well as support to the national power transmission grid, and investments on construction of grid-connected solar photo voltaic power generation capacity outside of the central energy system.
Зарим хүмүүс үүнийг няцаалт эсвэл хаагдсан хаалга гэж хардаг,worldbank.org worldbank.org
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