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Tell students that learning to identify cause-and-effect relationships is an important skill that can enhance their study of the scriptures.)
Ражастаны зарим хэсэгтLDS LDS
19 That close relationship is enhanced when we endure under adverse circumstances.
хамаагүй жижигхэн байна.jw2019 jw2019
From there, it travels to the hippocampus, which strengthens and enhances the neurons in that cortical area.
Харах өнцөг нь бидний юу бодож, юунд тэмүүлж, яаж аашилж буйдted2019 ted2019
You could consider Titus 2:10 and explain how his work to enhance the Kingdom Hall will “adorn the teaching of our Savior, God.”
олж авсан энэхүү туршлага лjw2019 jw2019
We set our hearts to the work with the assurance that Jehovah will enhance our qualifications as he did for Moses, Bezalel, and Joshua.
Эсвэл өөрөө шинэ баатар зохиосон ч болно.jw2019 jw2019
* The Economic Management Support Operation First Development Policy Financing (DPF) aims to support the Government of Mongolia in restoring debt sustainability, strengthening the social protection system, and enhancing competitiveness.
түүнийг давж байсан.worldbank.org worldbank.org
Creating an atmosphere of participation enhances the probability that the Spirit will teach more important lessons than [the teacher] can communicate.
Хэчнээн хүн Бурхан биднээс хүрэх аргагүй хол байдаг эсвээс Тэр ерөөсөө байдаггүй гэж боддог бол?LDS LDS
It can enhance not only your abilities but also your desire to do your best in his service.
тэгэхээр энэ нь нийтдээ 9 %-с бага зэрэг илүү байна.jw2019 jw2019
Enhancing our temple worship
түүндээ уусч ороод, хамаг хүч, цагаа зарцуулж,LDS LDS
Vietnam reduced the corporate income tax rate, and China enhanced its electronic filing and payment system—while also making business incorporation less expensive.
хэрэглээнд өргөнөөр нэвтрүүлэхийн тулдworldbank.org worldbank.org
* Enhance Mongolia’s capacity to manage the mining economy sustainably and transparently.
Нэн ядуу орчинд хуулийн хэрэгжилтийгworldbank.org worldbank.org
It enhances and cultivates our relationship with God.
дэлхий даяар хамгийн чухал зүйлээрLDS LDS
14 To enhance our appreciation for the honor of bearing God’s name, it is good for us to meditate on its meaning.
Тэд өөрсдийнхөө төлөө тэмцэх ёстой.jw2019 jw2019
The cross-references you share as part of your lesson should enhance students’ understanding of a scripture passage and not merely restate truths they have already identified.
Харин ч бид 3000 жил үргэлжилсэн маргаант асуудлыг шийдэж чадна.LDS LDS
“When teachers and students love and respect the Lord, one another, and the word of God, learning is enhanced.
Иймд анх сарын тэмдэг ирэхэд биLDS LDS
Doing so can help to etch Bible truths on our minds and hearts and at the same time enhance our enjoyment of congregation meetings.
Гэхдээ үүний зарим хэсэг нь л үнэн.jw2019 jw2019
SLP II is supported by the World Bank, European Union and Japanese Government and aims to enhance livelihood security and sustainability of communities throughout Mongolia.
нээлт байж болох юм.worldbank.org worldbank.org
Remember, Jehovah’s spirit can enhance your knowledge and abilities and help you to fulfill any assignment he gives you.
Гэхдээ ийм төрлийн харилцан баяжуулалт бид бүхэнд бага хэмжээгээр ч гэсэнjw2019 jw2019
(b) What gift from Jehovah enhances our ability to serve him?
дараа нь тэдний эвлүүлсэн роботыг салгах болно гэдгийг мэдэж байсан.jw2019 jw2019
Your attention to this work will also enhance the reputation of the Church by helping people understand that we follow Jesus Christ.”
Энд л хамгийн гайхалтай, энэ хол зай гэдэг юм байгаад байгаа юм—LDS LDS
Still, the trend indicates that donors are enhancing their aid effort.
Зөвхөн дэлбэрэлтээс гаднаworldbank.org worldbank.org
Visual aids can enhance learning.
Бархасбадийн соронзон оронтойLDS LDS
* Use Mormon Messages videos, Bible videos, and other Church media that teach of Jesus Christ to enhance your family home evening lessons and scripture studies.
Нэгдсэн Үндэсний Байгууллагын шалгалт судалгааны ажлын даргаар томилогдсон.LDS LDS
Remember, Jehovah can enhance anyone’s natural abilities, just as he did for Bezalel and Oholiab. —Ex. 31:1-6; see opening image.
хаясан зургаа олж харахjw2019 jw2019
What, though, can you do to enhance your zeal for the Christian ministry?
Олон эцэг эх, багш нартай ярилцаж,jw2019 jw2019
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