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(transitive) To honor; to hold in high esteem.

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Do not Christian overseers today need to fear Jehovah, obey his laws, refrain from exalting themselves above their brothers, and avoid deviating from Jehovah’s commandments?
үнэн гэж бодож буй талд зогсох гэжjw2019 jw2019
As a result, David lost his exaltation (see D&C 132:38–39).
Нью Йоркын шинэ асуудал буюуLDS LDS
Jehovah even explained what Cain could do to gain “an exaltation.”
ямар мэдээ хамгийн их анхаарал татдагийгjw2019 jw2019
We can, however, perform vicarious ordinances and truly become saviors on Mount Zion30 for our own families in order that we, with them, might be exalted as well as saved.
Хүүхэд нас минь ийм асуултаар дүүрэн байсан.LDS LDS
It was with Enoch that the Lord made an eternal covenant that all who received the priesthood would have power, through faith, to govern and control all things on earth, to put at defiance the armies of nations, and to stand in glory and exaltation before the Lord.
хэр их тусалсан бэ гэж асуусан юм.LDS LDS
“And then, if thou endure it well, God shall exalt thee on high.” 1
Миний төлөө хийсэн бүхэнд чинь талархсанаа илэрхийлэх гэсэн юм” гэв.LDS LDS
The possibility of eternal life—even exaltation—is available to us through our obedience to covenants made and ordinances received in holy temples of God.
(Аудио) НР: Маш эртнийх нь жижигхээнLDS LDS
“... Our happiness in mortal life, our joy and exaltation are dependent upon how we respond to these persistent, compelling physical desires.” 1
"Ээж нь чамд ус, хоол олохоор явсан" гэж хэлсэн.LDS LDS
Through Him, exaltation is offered.
Сэтгэл дундуур байгаагаа мэдэгдэхийн тулдLDS LDS
(In this context, “lifted up at the last day” means to be exalted—resurrected with a celestial body and brought into the presence of God to remain with Him forever.)
Энэ асуудлыг хэрхэн шийдэх вэ?LDS LDS
When he was compelled to feign insanity in front of King Achish of Gath, he composed a song, a very beautiful psalm, which included these expressions of faith: “O magnify Jehovah with me, you people, and let us exalt his name together.
Би өөрийн туршлагаас үзэхэдjw2019 jw2019
Through this power He redeems and exalts His children.
тухайн газраас хотын даргыг нь шууд сонгох гэх мэт.LDS LDS
Everyone who comes to the earth and receives a mortal body will be resurrected, but we have to work to receive the blessing of exaltation through our faithfulness, our agency, our obedience, and our repentance.
Испаний Прадо дох зургаас санаа авсан.LDS LDS
It summarizes the whole plan of salvation, tying together the Father, the Son, his atoning sacrifice, that belief in him which presupposes righteous works, and ultimate eternal exaltation for the faithful.
хэн нэгэн танаас асууж байсан бол гараа өргөнө үү.LDS LDS
The Father’s plan is designed to provide direction for His children, to help them become happy, and to bring them safely home to Him with resurrected, exalted bodies.
Үүнийг дизайнеруудын байнга нүүр тулдаг асуудалтай адилтгаж болох юм даа.LDS LDS
True to that prophecy, before Jehovah destroys this wicked system, the modern-day Elijah class, supported by millions of fellow Christians with an earthly hope, enthusiastically carry on the work of restoring pure worship, exalting the name of Jehovah, and teaching Bible truths to sheeplike ones.
Энэ эмэгтэй тухайн үед өсч хүмүүжиж байсанjw2019 jw2019
As Church members honor and keep their covenants, they are greatly blessed in mortality and become eligible for exaltation (see Exodus 19:3–5; Judges 2:1; 3 Nephi 20:25–27; Moroni 10:33; D&C 42:78; 97:8).
яг л гэмт хэргийн газар цогцсыг тойруулан зурдаг шиг.LDS LDS
In temples we can participate in the most exalted of the redeeming ordinances
тэдний бүтээсэн хөгжмийн зохиолуудын тоотой холбоотой.LDS LDS
Some people, including some Church members, inaccurately read Doctrine and Covenants 132:4 to mean that plural marriage is necessary for exaltation, leading them to believe that plural marriage is a necessary prerequisite for exaltation in the eternal realm.
Би энэ талаар удаан бодож байна. Нэг талаасLDS LDS
Without the sealing power that was restored through Elijah, God’s children could not receive the full blessings of exaltation and this purpose of the earth’s creation would not have been fulfilled, or as taught in the Doctrine and Covenants, the “earth would be utterly wasted” (D&C 2:3; see also Malachi 4:6).
Бид дахин хоёр тосгонд хүрч ажиллахаар төлөвлөж байна.LDS LDS
Summarize Doctrine and Covenants 76:54–70 by explaining that these verses list many of the blessings the exalted inhabitants of the celestial kingdom will receive.
багахан хөрөнгөтэй болсон залуугийн тухай наргиаг сонссон уу?"LDS LDS
The Church exists to help families gain eternal blessings and exaltation.
юу тохиолдох бол гэдэг.LDS LDS
There is no Latter-day Saint ... but that certainly has this prospect of coming forth in the morning of the first resurrection and being glorified, exalted in the presence of God.”
багшийн бичлэгийг үзэх хэрэгтэй.LDS LDS
Howard Coray, a clerk to Joseph Smith: “I have studied the Gospel as revealed by Joseph Smith and wondered if it were possible for anyone unaided by the Spirit of God to have revealed such a system of salvation and exaltation for man.
Та бүхэн мэдэж байгаа байх, Ливан бол нэг удаа ихээхэн сүйрэл амссан орон,LDS LDS
In fulfilling its purpose to help individuals and families qualify for exaltation, the Church focuses on divinely appointed responsibilities.
Энэ хэдэн энгийн үгсLDS LDS
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