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Logical explanations for the world’s problems. —Revelation 12:12.
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These are numbers like the mass of the particles, like electrons and quarks, the strength of gravity, the strength of the electromagnetic force -- a list of about 20 numbers that have been measured with incredible precision, but nobody has an explanation for why the numbers have the particular values that they do.
Дайн бол бүр үр дүн багатай.ted2019 ted2019
This explanation updates the information discussed on page 57, paragraph 24, of the Daniel’s Prophecy book and depicted in the charts on pages 56 and 139.
Дүрвэгсэд түр л орогнох ёстой.jw2019 jw2019
For these verses, you might use the following explanations: (1) the name Jesus [Yeshua in Aramaic] means “Jehovah is salvation” or “Jehovah saves”; (2) the scripture referred to in Matthew 1:22–23 is Isaiah 7:14; and (3) the name Emmanuel means “God with us.”)
хэдэн зүйлийг сануулахыг хүслээ.LDS LDS
Read the following explanation of the Lord’s grace:
Гэхдээ хэрвээ "Оoзийн шидтэн" кино одоо үед хийгдсэн болLDS LDS
Editors’ note: This page is not meant to be a comprehensive explanation of the selected Doctrinal Mastery verses, only a starting point for your own study.
Яагаад гэвэл эдгээр нь хөгжүүлж болохLDS LDS
Written almost 400 years after the birth of Jesus Christ, this book contains a short explanation of what the small plates of Nephi are and why Mormon felt they needed to be included with the other sacred writings.
зориулагдсан юмыг хүсдэг.LDS LDS
Editors’ note: This page is not meant to be a comprehensive explanation of the selected seminary scripture mastery verse, only a starting point for your own study.
яагаад энэ болдог, яагаад зогсоох ёстой талаарLDS LDS
Like the Book of Mormon itself, there is no better explanation than is given in the testimony itself, the solemn statement of good and honest men who told what they saw” (“The Witness: Martin Harris,” Ensign, May 1999, 36).
Том тавхай нь элсийг бишLDS LDS
Editors’ note: This page is not meant to be a comprehensive explanation of the selected scripture verse, only a starting point for your own study.
Ийм ирээдүй ямар байх бол?LDS LDS
One of the best explanations of the planned role of opposition is in the Book of Mormon, in Lehi’s teachings to his son Jacob.
Эвлүүлээд дуусахад нь дахиад асууна:LDS LDS
The Prophet said that this explanation was revealed to him while he was engaged in his inspired translation of the Bible (see D&C 77, section introduction).
Би одоо хөг хөглөж явна, тиймээс ч би хөгжмийн хүчийг мэдэрч явна.LDS LDS
So we've had three explanations for why we might sleep, and I think the important thing to realize is that the details will vary, and it's probable we sleep for multiple different reasons.
Би сүүлийн үед хүн чанарын тухай нилээд бодож үзсэн.ted2019 ted2019
Our next best course is to put in your hands such portions of modern revelation and of explanations of the principles of the Gospel as shall bring to you, wherever you may be, renewed hope and faith, as likewise comfort, consolation, and peace of spirit.” 1
Би үүнийг өөрийнхөө сүүдэр шиг бодохыг хичээдэг болсон.LDS LDS
For an explanation of scripture mastery and a list of additional activities to help students master these selected passages, see the appendix of this manual.
юу тохиолдох бол гэдэг.LDS LDS
“We draw the conclusion, then, that the very reason why the multitude, or the world, as they were designated by the Savior, did not receive an explanation upon His parables, was because of unbelief.
Залуус аа, хийж буй төсөлтэй чиньLDS LDS
The pearls are the various methods a teacher uses (questions, discussion, group work, audiovisual presentations, etc.), but they are strung and held together by the teacher’s instruction and explanation.
Гэхдээ энэ амжилт гаргадаг багуудыг гол цөм бөгөөдLDS LDS
Select two phrases you marked, and write an explanation in your scripture study journal about what they teach you to help you better understand and appreciate the Savior’s ministry.
гархуруугаараа бие биенээ дээш доош нь илж таалж байсан.LDS LDS
Correct the quiz as a class so you can answer questions or offer further explanations about the passages.
Гэсэн ч машинууд тэдний тоог цөөлж,LDS LDS
We may be inclined to launch right into a detailed explanation, starting with what happened in the garden of Eden.
Тийм ээ, алга ташаарай!jw2019 jw2019
But that explanation came only after Adam had demonstrated his commitment to obeying the Lord for “many days” without knowing why he was supposed to offer those sacrifices.9
Энийг сонсоод үзвэл та илүү ойлгох байх.LDS LDS
For an explanation of Daniel’s prophecy fulfilled in connection with Jesus, see the Appendix article “How Daniel’s Prophecy Foretells the Messiah’s Arrival.”
Стресс нь цусны даралтыг нэмэгдүүлснээрjw2019 jw2019
Invite a student to read aloud the Joseph Smith Translation in Romans 4:16, footnote a, and ask the class to follow along and look for a more complete explanation of how we are justified.
Та унтаж байхдаа ч та урлагийг мэдэрч байдаг.LDS LDS
In 1 Nephi 22, Nephi provided his own explanation and commentary on Isaiah’s prophecy.
ЛН: Яснуудаа эвлүүлдэг тоглоом шиг эвлүүлэхийг оролдсон.LDS LDS
If the second teacher confirms the explanation of the first one, the doubts of most students may be put to rest.
бүх биеэр тань мэдрэгдэнэ.jw2019 jw2019
201 sinne gevind in 12 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.