explode oor Mongools


/ɪkˈspləʊd/ Verb, werkwoord
(transitive) To create an explosion, usually resulting in the destruction of an intended target.

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to explode (intransitive)


to explode (intransitive)

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Three years ago today, a small asteroid exploded over the city of Chelyabinsk, Russia.
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The idea exploded in my 13-year-old brain.
орой хэсэг нь баруун тал руу шилжиж байна.LDS LDS
He made it safely through the landing, but on July 27, as part of the Allied advance, he was severely injured by an exploding anti-tank mine.
энэ нь тэр нэн эртний үхсэн зүйлсийг ухан гаргадаг гэсэн үг.LDS LDS
“When my drunken father used to explode in anger, his appearance changed.
Бүгд гараа өргөлөө.jw2019 jw2019
As I cleaned, a familiar voice whispered to me: “Mary, when your temper explodes, as did these jars, you cannot easily fix things.
нүдний угийн тусгай хүлээн авагч эсэд хүрч очдог.LDS LDS
My husband, Quinn, and I were startled awake by the sound of exploding jars.
Нэг бүр нь микроскопынLDS LDS
As I sit back and look at this transformation in our ward and within our stake, it’s really easy to see two main aspects that led to this missionary effort exploding, and that’s members being involved in the missionary effort and then extending the invitation to attend church or to meet with the missionaries.
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So do not bottle up anger and let it explode later.
Хэрэв бүтээмж өндөртэй нэгэн бусдынхаа бүтээмжийгjw2019 jw2019
And what it does is it sucks gas off its companion star, until it gets to this limit called the Chandrasekhar limit, and then it explodes.
Энэ бол нэг дэх баримт.QED QED
I realized in that moment she thought the engine was on fire, fearing the truck would explode and we would die.
Гэвч бид үүнд хүрэх хараахан болоогүй.LDS LDS
The firecracker exploded, and sulfurous fumes filled the overflow area and the chapel.
Сарын тэмдгийн үеэр охидод тохиолдсон түүхүүд юм.LDS LDS
An airborne squad leader, he was walking ahead of the other soldiers when a land mine exploded.
Энэ заавал ийм байх албагүй.LDS LDS
Science writer David Bodanis observed: “The mass our Sun is exploding into energy each second is equivalent to [billions of atomic] bombs.”
далай байгаа. Бидний бодлоорjw2019 jw2019
86:15) He is far different from some humans who explode with fury when others do not meet their expectations.
Би хоёр төсөл гүйцэтгэж байгаа.jw2019 jw2019
Meanwhile, I am grateful that the Lord’s Atonement is helping me better control my temper so that I can spare my loved ones any more messes caused by exploding anger.
Болор танхимын дараа ширтэх танхимд орно.LDS LDS
And it explodes, and it shines as brightly as a billion suns for about two weeks, and releases, not only energy, but a huge amount of chemical elements into the universe.
[Баатрууд] Бид манлайллыг хэрхэн хардаг вэ?QED QED
Apparently, the steamer water had evaporated, heat and pressure had built up, the top of the steamer had blown off, and six of seven peach jars had exploded.
Хүмүүс хөрш орнууд руу дүрвэсээр,LDS LDS
Or an innocuous-looking e-mail, once opened, may explode into a pornographic picture designed in such a way as to make exiting from it difficult.
Энэ нь ихээхэн сорилтыгjw2019 jw2019
That doesn’t mean leaping from exploding buildings or driving escape cars every day.
Тэр миний чин хайр минь байсан.LDS LDS
Joseph exploded into a wail, crying out: “All is lost!
Гэхдээ таны мэдэж байгаачлан, бид бүгд хоёр ертөнцөд амьдардаг.LDS LDS
I felt like I would explode with excitement and joy.
хандивын байгууллагыг үүсгэн байгуулсан.LDS LDS
21 sinne gevind in 9 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.