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/ˈfɒləʊ/, /ˈfɑloʊ/ werkwoord, naamwoord
(transitive) To go or come after in physical space.

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to go or come after in physical space


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reference to our email below we would like to follow up with you on the proposed flight itinerary which we have sent to you last week wednesdat july 10
reference to our email below we would like to follow up with you on the proposed flight itinerary which we have sent to you last week wednesdat july 10


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Some of the truths they list on the board might include the following:
Хөгжлийн бэрхшээлтэй иргэд бол дэлхийнLDS LDS
Believing husbands who continue to love their wives, whether in favorable or in trying times, demonstrate that they closely follow Christ’s example of loving the congregation and caring for it.
Маргааш их замын хажууд тааралдах малчин эр би ч байж мэдэх юм!jw2019 jw2019
If we follow this guideline, we will not make the truth more complicated than it needs to be.
Бид ямар хүнийг бодит болгомоор байна вэ?jw2019 jw2019
Ask the class to follow along, looking for Luke’s reasons for writing.
Би өөр юу сурсан бол?LDS LDS
Write the following truth in your scriptures or scripture study journal: Conversion means spiritually changing and becoming a new person through the power of God.
3D пиксел шиг бидний орон зайд хөдөлдөг.LDS LDS
* Look for examples of faith in the scriptures as they study the gospel on their own and follow these examples in their own lives.
намайг тэвчээртэй сонсохыг хүсье.LDS LDS
Alma prophesied the following to the people of Gideon around 83 B.C.:
хуваагдмал, бас тогтворгүй байгаа.LDS LDS
(Revelation 12:12) During this period, Satan wages war with the anointed followers of Christ.
Халдвар авсан ч эхэн үедээ мэдэхгүй байж болно.jw2019 jw2019
The following is an account of Lehi’s prophecy, recorded by Nephi:
Энэ удаад бид өөрөөр ажиллана гэсэн.LDS LDS
If some of the young men have not prepared outlines, give them time to do so during the quorum meeting, following the instructions under “Prepare spiritually” above.
Нэг сая эмэгтэйд туслах гэдэг гайхалтай мөрөөдөл байна л даа.LDS LDS
For example, invite the youth to role-play how they could follow the pattern Pablo’s dad used to help a friend or family member live a gospel principle he or she is struggling with.
Та анзаарсан байх. Канадын сонгууль жинхэнэ хошигнол.LDS LDS
* How does Paul refer to those who follow the Spirit?
Би өөрөө энэ ярилцлагуудаас маш их зүйл сурсан.LDS LDS
The scriptures are full of encouragement for us to follow in Christ’s footsteps.
хүмүүсийн бодлын мухарт явдаг юм.LDS LDS
Therefore, you can experience true happiness only if you fill those needs and follow “the law of Jehovah.”
Хэрэв тасалж чадвал би чамд 100 доллар өгье" гэж хэлсэн.jw2019 jw2019
Invite a student to read aloud the following statement by President Ezra Taft Benson.
би аль эрт өөрөөсөө асуух ёстой байсанLDS LDS
In fact, with God’s day of judgment so near today, all the world should ‘keep silent before the Sovereign Lord Jehovah’ and hear what he says through the “little flock” of Jesus’ anointed followers and their companions, his “other sheep.”
Энэ хүүхдэд их туслалцаа хэрэгтэй юм байна."jw2019 jw2019
This is at the very heart of our sacred work—to feel a spiritual impression and be willing to follow it.
Бид юу хийх үү? Алив ээ."LDS LDS
Provide each group with a copy of the following handout, and invite them to complete it:
маш чухал оюуны багаж болно гэж итгэж байна.LDS LDS
8 Hezekiah invited all of Judah and Israel to a great Passover celebration, followed by the seven-day Festival of Unfermented Cakes.
ахлах ангийн сурагч бүр Талархлын баяраар настай хүнтэйjw2019 jw2019
(Write the following on the board: By studying the family proclamation, we can learn Heavenly Father’s perspective on the family.)
бага ч болов сайн зүйл хийхэд байдаг.LDS LDS
Take the following four steps.
би 12 төрлийн эмгэгтэй болж таарлаа.jw2019 jw2019
The numbers in parentheses that follow the quotations indicate the lesson number in The Eternal Family Teacher Manual (2015) where the statement can be found.
Тэгэхээр, үүн дээр тулгуурлан хүний хѳгжих боломж бололцооLDS LDS
Invite one student to read the words of the Savior and another student to read the words of the father in the account that follows in Mark 9:16–24 (you might assign these parts before class and invite these students to locate their respective lines).
“Том Тоглоом” гэж нэг нь нөгөөгөөс илүү хүчтэй байж ноёрхохыг хэлдэг.LDS LDS
When we are baptized, we follow the pattern set by the Savior, who was baptized by immersion in the river Jordan (see Matthew 3:13–17).
Таны стрессийн хариу үйлдэл таныг эргэн тойрны хэн нэгэндLDS LDS
* “No matter how good your [missionary] message is, you may not get a chance to deliver it without consistent, persistent follow-up.” 1 —Elder M.
Бид ачааны вагоны цаг тооцоолох, автобусны хуваарь боловсруулах,LDS LDS
201 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.