globalization oor Mongools


Alternative spelling of globalisation.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Mongools


process of international integration arising from the interchange of world views, products, ideas, and other aspects of culture

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

global warming
Дэлхийн дулаарал
globally unique identifier
глобал үл давтагдах дугаар
Global Address List
глобал хаягийн жагсаалт
global template
глобал загвар
globally-unique identifier
глобал үл давтагдах дугаар
global catalog server
глобал каталогийн сервер
Global Universal Identification
глобал универсал дугаар
global address list
глобал хаягийн жагсаалт


Advanced filtering
Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
The East Asia Pacific Economic Update released today looks at the challenging global environment facing the region.
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In view of the magnitude and global scope of terrorism, nations around the earth quickly banded together to combat it.
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“Developing countries were an engine of global growth following the financial crisis, but now they face a more difficult economic environment,” said World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim.
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We all experience times when it seems that there is a constant downpour of discouragement and bad news at a personal and sometimes even a global level.
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So it seems staggering that journalism has been so late to cover stories in a truly global way.
Хэдхэн сарын дотор маш том болж өргөжсөн.ted2019 ted2019
The REAP was funded by the World Bank including a grant of US$3.5 million from the International Development Association (IDA), a grant of US$3.5 million from the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and a grant of US$6 million from the Government of the Netherlands.
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“East Asia Pacific continues to be the engine driving the global economy, contributing 40 percent of the world’s GDP growth - more than any other region.
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The airplane, the satellite, and global commerce now bring to Fiji’s shores all the challenges of modern living found elsewhere in the world.
1980-аад оны бейсболийн карт шиг, гэхдээ террористуудын зурагтай.LDS LDS
And these things are really a global failure.
Та химич дээр очих шаардлагагүй болно.ted2019 ted2019
The economy faces growing headwinds from the global economic environment, while the looming elections increase domestic uncertainty.
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The East Asia and Pacific Economic Update examines the region’s growth prospects against a challenging backdrop: slow growth in high-income countries, a broad slowdown across emerging markets, weak global trade, persistently low commodity prices, and increasingly volatile global financial markets.
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that it will be a global destruction by nuclear weapons or environmental ruin.
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East Asia today has more of those global hubs than any other region in the world.
чичиргээг ялган мэдэрч, улмаар юу хэлэгдсэнийг ойлгох хэмжээнд хүрж,ted2019 ted2019
Activity in advanced economies is expected to grow 2.2 percent in 2018 before easing to a 2 percent rate of expansion next year, as central banks gradually remove monetary stimulus, the June 2018 Global Economic Prospects says.
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Week four, global — BBC, Irish Radio.
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Download the January 2018 Global Economic Prospects report.
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ULAANBAATAR, February 3, 2016—Mongolia’s economy faces growing headwinds from a continued slump in the minerals market and heightened global financial volatility, according to the World Bank’s Mongolia Economic Brief for January.
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“Once cities are built, their urban form and land-use patterns are locked in for generations,” said Marisela Montoliu Munoz, Director of the World Bank Group Social, Urban, Rural and Resilience Global Practice.
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Now it represents the meek ones of all the nations throughout the entire earth, those who respond favorably to the global Kingdom-preaching work and who stream to “the mountain of the house of Jehovah.”
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“By the year 2020, noncommunicable diseases are expected to account for seven out of every ten deaths in the developing regions, compared with less than half today.”—“The Global Burden of Disease,” Harvard University Press, 1996.
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Larger Southeast Asian economies, such as Indonesia and Thailand, will face tougher global financial conditions and higher levels of household debt.
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And I want to talk to you today about language loss and the globalization of English.
Хүүхэд өөдөөс нь хэлээ бултагануулсан байна.ted2019 ted2019
“This has been a very positive step for a global organization,” Sister Beck said.
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“The improved prospects for global growth offer a window of opportunity for countries to reduce vulnerabilities while pursuing reforms that can yield growth dividends over the longer term,” said Sudhir Shetty, World Bank Chief Economist for the East Asia and Pacific region.
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Globally, Singapore continues to provide the world’s most business-friendly regulatory environment for local entrepreneurs, followed by Hong Kong SAR, China.
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