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When some of our children stray from the gospel path, we may feel guilt and uncertainty about their eternal destiny.
Тэр зорилготойгоор эдгээр орнуудыг дахин сэргээхийг хүссэнгүй.LDS LDS
Because she had completed the final step of repentance, her guilt was swept away.
үеийг туулаад ирсэн.LDS LDS
He was overcome with guilt and grief.
Тэр бүү хэл төрөөс ч үүнийг хийе гэж санаачлага гарсан.LDS LDS
Do ye suppose that ye shall dwell with him under a aconsciousness of your guilt?
(Хандэлийн концерт гэрт болж байна)LDS LDS
I would do anything to be freed of the guilt I feel.”
Тэд “Та сүүлийн үед мөнгө хандивласан уу?LDS LDS
Even loyal worshippers of God sometimes experienced anxiety, hurt feelings, and guilt, which affected their activity.
Менструаци.jw2019 jw2019
There are so many of us who are thrashing around, as it were, with feelings of guilt, not knowing quite how to escape.
Тиймээс цааш нь үргэлжлүүлье.LDS LDS
Many caregivers experience some sadness, anxiety, frustration, anger, guilt, even resentment.
тухайн биетийг дээш нь татахадjw2019 jw2019
Forgiveness also takes “away the guilt from our hearts” (Alma 24:10) and brings “peace of conscience” (Mosiah 4:3), thus healing us.
Учир нь үүнийг хийх илүү сайн цаг одооноос өөр байхгүй шүү.LDS LDS
If you have feelings of guilt but are not sure if you need to confess to your bishop, go see him.
Бүр таван жилийн өмнө ч гэсэн өнөөдөр энд болж буй үйл явдлыг би төсөөлж үзээгүй юм байна.LDS LDS
Furthermore, you may still be grieving over the death of a beloved mate, or perhaps you may be feeling guilt or anger over a marital breakup.
олон хүний “мөсөн сагс” гэж боддог байсан газар.jw2019 jw2019
A stepchild of guilt is disappointment, regret for lost blessings and opportunities.
талаар та бүхэнд дуулгая.LDS LDS
The gospel teaches us that relief from torment and guilt can be earned through repentance.
Огтлолцлуудыг нь хайж илрүүл.LDS LDS
Inordinate feelings of guilt may be likened to that heavy load that crushes.
тэдний ажилд ахиц гаргах хэмжээний үнэлгээгjw2019 jw2019
From the Atonement of the Savior flows the soothing salve that can heal our spiritual wounds and remove guilt.
Эргэн тойрны хүмүүс миний шүтлэгт дургүйцдэггүй байсан.LDS LDS
Bouts of anxiety, anger, and guilt are also common.
3-рт, баталгаажуулалт нэн чухал.jw2019 jw2019
Some young women may be struggling with unworthiness or feelings of guilt.
Учир нь бид өөрт ойр санагдсан зүйл рүү далд ухамсарын хүчээрLDS LDS
“Good riddance,” many today seem to say to such feelings as guilt.
Бид ямар онол гаргаж байгаагаас үл хамаарчjw2019 jw2019
The single greatest reason for addressing this matter is what I have learned over time about the concern, the worry, and even the guilt felt by many missionaries who for various reasons were reassigned to a different field of labor during their time of service.
Эвлүүлээд дуусахад нь дахиад асууна:LDS LDS
“They ought to read these words of Moroni: ‘Do ye suppose that ye shall dwell with him [Christ] under a consciousness of your guilt?
Энэ надад хэрэггүйг би мэдэж байна.LDS LDS
Amulek’s words in Alma 11 made Zeezrom conscious of his guilt for lying and deceiving the people.
эдгээр орчнуудад бүгдэд нь давтагдсанLDS LDS
He was willing to take upon Himself the mistakes, the sins and guilt, the doubts and fears of all the world.
ДИ: Би мөн маш олон удаа эр зориг, хүн чанар болонLDS LDS
You can shed the burden of excessive guilt
Энэ он жилүүдэд улс үндэстэн мааньjw2019 jw2019
Nevertheless, an accumulation of all of the guilt, the grief and sorrow, the pain and humiliation, all of the mental, emotional, and physical torments known to man—He experienced them all.
чамд илүү их боломжийг олгосноорLDS LDS
Of course, Jehovah does not try to motivate his people to study by causing them to have feelings of guilt.
Тиймээс тэр ертѳнц бидэнд үгүйлэгдэхгүй.jw2019 jw2019
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