hand washing oor Mongools

hand washing

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the act of cleaning one's hands

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The CDC still calls hand washing “the single most effective way to prevent the transmission of disease.”
тундр зэрэг маш хүнд орчин руу,jw2019 jw2019
According to a French doctor, hand washing “is still one of the best guarantees for the prevention of certain digestive, respiratory, or skin infections.”
Улс төрийн газрын зураг бидэнд өнөөдөр дэлхий дээрjw2019 jw2019
On average, in Mayank's family, they will use soap for washing hands once a day at the very best, and sometimes even once a week for washing hands with soap.
Бид бол Францаар гэгээрсэн хүүхдүүд.ted2019 ted2019
We should wash our hands after using the toilet, and we should wash them before eating meals or handling food.
Үндэстний хувьд бид эрэмдэг улс.jw2019 jw2019
His honest labor showed even in his carefully washed hands.
Учир нь ердийн үед ийм хугацаатай зогсолт хийдэг.LDS LDS
* The tradition of washing hands: lessons Jesus taught about what defiles us (see Matthew 15:10–20)
Тэрнээс хойш юу болсон бэ?LDS LDS
So what if I told you that the person whose hands you just shook actually didn't wash their hands when they were coming out of the toilet?
энэ системдээ аюул учруулна гэсэн үг үү?ted2019 ted2019
Washing hands with soap, a habit we all take for granted, can reduce diarrhea by half, can reduce respiratory infections by one third.
Ингээд гараа сунгаад, сайн хараарайted2019 ted2019
Think about where you learned to wash your hands.
стандартчилсан тестийн оноо,ted2019 ted2019
Did you learn to wash your hands in school?
Америкийн хэвлэлээр мэдээллээгүй юм л даа.ted2019 ted2019
Washing the hands with soap and water can prevent illness and actually save lives.
байгалийн шалгарлын бүх явц харваж орж ирээдjw2019 jw2019
Washing his hands, he states: “I am innocent of the blood of this man.”
Одоо та нар надаас яагаад ингэснийг асууж болно.jw2019 jw2019
The scribes and Pharisees ask why Jesus’s disciples do not wash their hands before they eat
Яагаад гэвэл энэ асуулт хүүхдүүдэд юу болж болох тухай нь мөрөөдөхөд тусалдаг чLDS LDS
Why is it that Mayank, this young boy that I met in India, isn't washing his hands?
астма 9%-аар буурсан үзүүлэлттэй байгааг харуулсан байна.ted2019 ted2019
Why aren't people washing their hands?
Нүүх дургүй улст Орос, Герман, АНУ улсууд орсон.ted2019 ted2019
Further, children and adults should wash their hands after visiting this area.
Нэг дэхь үе нэг иймэрхүү байсан юм.jw2019 jw2019
Did you learn to wash your hands at home?
Тэр "Компаниа их хэмжээний алт илгээхийг ятгахадted2019 ted2019
We could see our young friend in the kitchen washing his hands and drying them on a fresh towel.
ажил олгогч ийм нууцлалыг маш их мөнгө хэмнэх зорилгоор ашиглаж болно.LDS LDS
A priest should be familiar with the sacramental prayers, dress appropriately, and wash his hands before performing this ordinance.
Намайг багаас амьдралд урагшлахын тулд өрсөлдөхийг зааж сургасан.LDS LDS
I went and got my hymnbook and then washed my hands before taking my place at the sacrament table.
Аль болох олон Мусалмануудыг,LDS LDS
(Leviticus 16:4, 23, 24) Officiating priests were required to wash their hands and feet before offering sacrifices to Jehovah.
Таван алхам бий.jw2019 jw2019
“Heavenly Father will understand if I take a tiny sip of water,” Silioti thought as she washed her hands after chores.
Молекулын хувьд гөлгөр гадаргуу бий болно.LDS LDS
Good hygienic habits include washing our hands with soap and water before eating or handling food, after using the toilet, and after washing or changing a baby.
Энэ нь хатуу материал болгох бөгөөд доторх хуудас нь сул хэвээрээ байж,jw2019 jw2019
Until late in the 19th century, physicians often worked on corpses and then on living patients —without washing their hands in between.
улс болгонд,jw2019 jw2019
Less than 200 years ago, physicians discovered that they infected many patients when they did not wash their hands after handling corpses.
Бассем азаар аврах хөвөгч оллоо.jw2019 jw2019
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