hotel oor Mongools


/hoʊˈtɛl/, /həʊˈtɛl/, /əʊˈtɛl/ naamwoord
An establishment that provides accommodation and other services for paying guests; normally larger than a guest house, and often one of a chain.

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establishment providing accommodation

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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
He worked as a farm laborer in Vermont; as a waiter in Albany, New York; at a hotel in New York City; then as a servant on Long Island.
ИМ: Яг үнэндээ хүмүүсийн бодож байгаагаасLDS LDS
He began anxiously talking to people and eventually met Church member Plotino Rhodakanaty, who directed him to the Hotel San Carlos.2
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I’m working full-time cleaning hotels.
Шинжлэх ухаан эд зүйлс бүтээхээс гадна бодол санааг бүтээдэг.LDS LDS
Imagine that you work at a hotel.
Ээж маань зөгийнөөс айдаг мөн харшилтай учраасLDS LDS
We were swimming in the pool at a hotel and found a pocket watch at the bottom of the pool.
Ихэнх нь ижил үнэлгээ авна.LDS LDS
Working as a bellhop, I saw many famous people as guests of the hotel, including John Wayne, Dorothy L’Amour, and Esther Williams.
үүнийг хийх хэрэг алга" гэлээ.LDS LDS
As we chatted about the Church, this good brother told me that there was a ward right there in La Victoria and that the chapel was located just a short walk from the hotel.
Харин цалинг нууцлаад байх нь яг ийм байдал үүсгэдэг.LDS LDS
A few days later I transferred to a hotel where several of my co-workers were staying.
Урмаа хугалуулсан, итгэл найдваргүй болсон зүрх сэтгэл бөгөөдLDS LDS
All of this came to an end when he lost his job because of reduced clientele at the hotel.
Үүнээс ѳѳр өгөгдөл байхгүй.jw2019 jw2019
We might not make it back to Bordeaux for the night, but how good of our Father in Heaven to lead us to a clean hotel!
Тосгонуудад буцаж очинLDS LDS
After I finished my apprenticeship at the hotel in my hometown of Graz, my mother funded further education for me at a hotel management school.
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In fact, he built a hotel in Nauvoo, Illinois, to accommodate the frequent guests who called upon him and other leaders of the Church.
үүнийг технологийн асуудал гэж бодож үзэж байгаагүй.LDS LDS
He was the owner of the hotel, a man of importance in the community.
нэг програм хангамжийн компанид уулзалт хийхээр очсон юм.LDS LDS
One cold, snowy morning Elder Pratt arose and, unnoticed, slipped out of the hotel.
Тэд авъяас билэгт хүн бол уран бүтээлч гэх ханан дунд амьдрах заяатай,LDS LDS
Maria had spent several years serving in restaurants and hotels.
Би хийж байгаа ажлаа зогсоогоодLDS LDS
After arriving in Los Angeles, my father and I went to the executive’s hotel for the meeting.
Ээжийн миний хэрхэн төрсөн түүхээс мэдэж авсан эр байлаа.LDS LDS
To return to the hotel meant incarceration and accusations of high crimes.
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After being taken to Independence, the Brethren were confined to a hotel to sleep on the floor with a block of wood for a pillow.
элекронуудаас тогтно.LDS LDS
About an hour later, I was outside the hotel smoking a cigarette while the group I had seen earlier came back out to return to their limo, which was waiting at the curb.
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The hotels and restaurants are often filled with delegates, and people living in the area notice the many visitors wearing convention badges.
Загварчлан сэтгэх нь бараг бүх үйлдвэрлэлдjw2019 jw2019
In 1998, I made a documentary about the last flophouse hotels on the Bowery in Manhattan.
Мэдээллийн хэрэгслүүд санаатай ингэдэг гэж би хэлэх гэсэнгүй.ted2019 ted2019
For example, I think of how one night, when I was around 12 years old, on an overnight field trip to another city, my friends and I bought Super Soakers and turned the hotel parking lot into our own water-filled battle zone.
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In the meantime, other co-workers invited two college students who had been living on an island to stay with our group at the inland hotel.
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Above left: Hirobo Obeketang (also shown with his family on the previous pages) works as a hotel manager.
хэцүү байна.LDS LDS
The hotelkeeper, Charles Bernhardt, later accepted the truth, sold his hotel, and pioneered alone for 15 years in some of the driest and most isolated parts of Australia.
Оройдоо надад хараалын үгс зааж,jw2019 jw2019
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