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/ˈaɪslənd/, /ˈaɪs.lənd/ eienaam, naamwoord
A country in Europe. Official name: Republic of Iceland.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Mongools


country in Europe


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
The Icelandic prime minister had to resign.
Нэг л өдөр түүнийг хүчилтөрөгчийн аппаратанд оруулах эсэхээ шийднэ.ted2019 ted2019
This is the scene in Iceland the day after we published.
Асуулт агуу тайлбарт хүргэж болно.ted2019 ted2019
I like to refer to Johannes Kristjansson, the Icelandic reporter we invited to join the project, as the loneliest man in the world.
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In 1975, when I was seven years old, women in Iceland went on a strike.
Би энэ дууг дуулна.ted2019 ted2019
So at 2:38pm on Monday, women in Iceland left work, because that's when they had earned their day's salary.
Сонссон үгсийг мартаж чаддаггүй, би одоо ч санадаг.ted2019 ted2019
Mats Josefsson – an economist who has been influential in the restructuring of banking systems in Iceland, Turkey and Thailand
энэ нь Биг Баний яг дараах цацрал юм
Five years later, Icelanders had the courage to be the first country in the world to democratically elect a woman as their president.
Энэ бол мөн чанарын тухай хүйтэн материалист ойлголтоос тэс өөр.ted2019 ted2019
Nothing worked in Iceland that day, because nothing works when women are not at work.
Дэлхий дахин нано-үйлдвэрлэлдээ их сайн.ted2019 ted2019
We're tied for 15th with Iceland and Poland.
хэтэрхий халуун ч биш, бас хүйтэн ч бишted2019 ted2019
The report finds that getting an electrical connection is most efficient in Iceland; Germany; Taiwan, China; Hong Kong, China; and Singapore.
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Now, when you're an investigative reporter and you make an amazing discovery, such as your prime minster can be linked to a secret offshore company, that that company has a financial interest in Icelandic banks -- the very issue he's been elected on -- well, your instinct is to scream out very loud.
авилгад идэгдсэн цагдаагийн алба, шүүхийг өөрчилжted2019 ted2019
PM: I can't let you go without saying that probably everybody in the room is ready to move to Iceland and vote for you.
Сармагчин хариуд нь "Санал нэг байна. Гэхдээ эхлээд Google Earth нээгээдted2019 ted2019
And there was a popular protest in Iceland, so the sitting president thought they needed a trusted leader.
найз охинтойгоо хоёулхнаа байх аюлгүй газраар ашиглаж болно.ted2019 ted2019
Buried in the documents were secret offshore entities, such as Wintris Inc., a company in the British Virgin Islands that had actually belonged to the sitting Icelandic prime minister.
Жишээ нь кофений аяга камерийн ѳмнѳ бариад сэгсэрэхэдted2019 ted2019
He pasted tarps over the windows of his home to prevent prying eyes during the long Icelandic winter.
Санхүүгийн хөрөнгийн дэлхий нийтийн бүртгэл,ted2019 ted2019
I called it a 4G campaign, the G's representing the Icelandic words.
Үүний дараа та нэг танхимд орж хэвтэнэ.ted2019 ted2019
But of course we probably can't vote there, but one thing we can get from Iceland and have always gotten is inspiration.
Оттоманы хаант улсын үед ийм зүйл болсон юм.ted2019 ted2019
Consider the example of Brother Georg Fjölnir Lindal’s ministry in Iceland, as reported in the 2005 Yearbook of Jehovah’s Witnesses, pages 210-211, and the experiences of faithful servants who persevered in Ireland for many years without immediate results, as found in the 1988 Yearbook of Jehovah’s Witnesses, pages 82-99.
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