in front of oor Mongools

in front of

pre / adposition
At or near the front part of (something).

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Mongools


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When you point it downward, you see clearly what is immediately in front of you.
шинэ бий болсон улс орнуудын нэрийг тогтоох гэх зэргээс айж байна.jw2019 jw2019
Draw yourself standing in front of the font.
Эндээс "Тэдгээр шинэ сүлжээг үүсгэх магадлалLDS LDS
He calls the little boy, and stands him in front of them all.
Танин мэдэхүй үнэхээр зардлаа нөхдөг.jw2019 jw2019
Above: In front of the temple is an all-white nativity set.
Өндөр амжилттай явж буй ажил хэрэгч бүсгүйчүүд.LDS LDS
My turn for the interview came, and I sat nervously in front of the manager.
ямар нэгэн зүйл дутуу харснаа мэдсэн.LDS LDS
Fortunately, we found ourselves in front of a lovely country inn.
эдгээр зүйлсээ тэрээрLDS LDS
One morning I found myself in front of them and, longing for relief, demanded that they stop.
Тэгвэл дэлхийн энэ хэсэгт ямар явц өрнөж байгааг ажиглая.LDS LDS
The botanical names are in front of you.
Хэрэв бид иймарга барилаар ажиллаад эхэлбэлQED QED
The ball was not that far in front of me, and I was sure I could catch it.
Жинхэнэ сэтгэгчид ч айдсыг мэдэрдэг.LDS LDS
5:33) Speaking negatively about their husbands, highlighting their faults in front of others, hardly shows respect.
Энэ туршилтын хэр үр дүнтэй байхыг дараа та бүхэнд мэдээлнэ ээ.jw2019 jw2019
She knelt in front of the Savior and said that she had touched Him.
зориулж өөрчлөгдсөн бол яах вэ?LDS LDS
Do you see that slow car in front of you?
Харин бид юу гэж хүсдэг вэ?ted2019 ted2019
Thus, in front of witnesses, these new ones say Yes respecting their promise to serve God forever.
хүн бүр л үл үзэгдэгч авъяас билэг чамд тусалсан гэж мэдэж байгаа шүү дээ.jw2019 jw2019
He beat up my mother many times in front of my eyes.
Намайг ярихад, миний дуу энэ таблетэд бичигдэж байгаа,jw2019 jw2019
I don’t want to say “no” in front of other people when I am called on to pray.
Манай улсыг илүү амжилттай болгохоос гаднаLDS LDS
So this was an endless cycle of them building, and us destroying in front of their eyes.
Хэн нэгэн надад теннисийн гутал бэлэглэсэн байсан.QED QED
A large stone was put in front of the door.
оролцох хэрэггүй гэж үздэг.LDS LDS
Suddenly a messenger sent from the presence of God is standing in front of you.
Тиймээс энэ нь таны тархинд явагдахLDS LDS
I shall not set in front of my eyes any good-for-nothing thing.” —Ps.
Хувцсыг нь тэд ингэж нэрлэдэг.jw2019 jw2019
* A teacher accuses you in front of the class of cheating on a test when you did not.
би Карачи руу буцан үйл ажиллагаагаа зогсоосон.LDS LDS
There are plenty of exceptions, and I will defend the Disney princesses in front of any you.
аав маань үргэлж хамт байсан.QED QED
Niya was playing in front of her home when her aunt called her inside.
Загварчлан сэтгэх нь бараг бүх үйлдвэрлэлдLDS LDS
Tell them it is symbolic of the stone rolled in front of the opening of Christ’s tomb.
Эцэст нь юу болох вэ?LDS LDS
So just do your best at the work right in front of you.
ИМ: 2 билүү 3 жилийн өмнө мөрийцсөн.LDS LDS
In front of witnesses, Boaz offered the man the opportunity to act as repurchaser by marrying Ruth.
Тэдгээрийг ашиглахыг яаруулж байна.jw2019 jw2019
269 sinne gevind in 13 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.