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/ˈɪn.və.lɪd/ adjektief, werkwoord, naamwoord
Not valid; not true, correct, acceptable or appropriate.

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Erroneous or unrecognizable because of a flaw in reasoning or an error in input. Invalid results, for example, might occur if the logic in a program is faulty.

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If a person tires of serving Jehovah or of living a Christian way of life, he cannot claim that he was never really dedicated and that his baptism was invalid.
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While that marriage probably took place when he and she were young, the passing of time and the onset of older age did not invalidate the covenant they had entered into, that is, the marriage contract.
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Of course, this verse, early in the Old Testament, does not invalidate the rest of the Bible.
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Their bad behavior, however, made their sacrifices invalid.
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Without that authorization, the ordination would be invalid.
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Of the experience, he wrote: “Visited old Sister Yáñez, an invalid and gave her an unbound Book of Mormon which I had sent to Utah for.
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Any court order that attempts to override one of God’s commands is invalid from God’s standpoint. —Genesis 18:25; Isaiah 33:22.
Учир нь бидний харилцааны 90% нь үгийн бус байдаг.jw2019 jw2019
(Matthew 23:2, 4) He pointed out that their burdensome man-made rules and traditions, including elaborate cleansings, made “the word of God invalid.”
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One woman who took care of her invalid husband explained, “Don’t think of your task as a burden; think of it as an opportunity to learn what love really is.” 7
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The scribes and Pharisees ‘made God’s word invalid because of their tradition.’
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16 Consider Johan, who at 80 years of age cares full-time for his faithful, now invalid, wife, Sannie.
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Considering the steps that the elders take to be sure that a person is qualified for baptism, it would be extremely rare for anyone’s baptism to be invalid.
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Any attempts to prove our own righteousness could invalidate our claim to love him. —Read Luke 16:15.
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13 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.