joke oor Mongools


/dʒoʊk/ werkwoord, naamwoord
An amusing story.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Mongools


amusing story


something said or done for amusement


something spoken, written, or done with humorous intention

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Likewise, prior to the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, in the eyes of his sons-in-law, Lot “seemed like a man who was joking.” —Genesis 19:14.
Ардчилал бол зүгээр л нэг бүтцийн асуудал биш.jw2019 jw2019
Prayer and fasting are important because they will help you be able to face the jokes and challenges at school, just as Jesus Christ faced much mocking when He was here on earth.
Үүнээс харахад "Ядуусын өмнөөс бид эх үүсвэрийгLDS LDS
After several jokes from the sisters, they finally allowed him to keep the shoes.
Нэг бүр нь микроскопынLDS LDS
Or would you have treated it as a joke, as did Lot’s prospective sons-in-law?
эмэгтэй хүний хамгийн нандин чанар бол тэвчээр гэж зааж байсан.jw2019 jw2019
I thought he was joking about having me watch him work for two weeks, but he wasn’t.
Нэг удаа би хэмжигдэхүүний талаар хичээл зааж байлаа.LDS LDS
Whenever we would talk about him being a missionary, I would joke with him, saying I wouldn’t miss him and that I would be glad to be alone.
Жаахан үнэмшилгүй арга л даа. Гэхдээ надад хамаагүй.LDS LDS
Further, each should respect the dignity of the other by not making that one the object of demeaning comments or jokes, whether in public or in private.
Би тэрхүү калиграфийн яруу утгыг эвдэхийг хүсдэггүй.jw2019 jw2019
As you may have noticed, our elections in Canada are a complete joke.
Хэрвээ жендерт суурилсан цалингийн ялгааг арилгая гэвэлted2019 ted2019
I loved the sound of laughter when I used inappropriate language or joked about people.
Тэгэхээр кофейн мухлагууд гарч ирэхээсLDS LDS
In one of my books, I joke that Ben & Jerry's should make a pacifist toothpaste -- doesn't kill germs, just asks them to leave.
өглөө эртлэн босч өдөр болгон ажил руугаа явахted2019 ted2019
I got the joke.
Мессэжүүд ихээр ирэх болсон.LDS LDS
My friend was back the next day, but instead of joking around, I listened and was again pulled in.
Жайлс хоёр ой хагастайдааLDS LDS
We love to make up jokes.
Хувьсал, хөгжлийн үед энэ чанарLDS LDS
Ask yourself the following questions: Do I avoid gossip, inappropriate jokes, swearing and profanity, and being light-minded about sacred subjects?
засгийн газрын ажилтнууд,LDS LDS
Comedians often rely on dirty jokes and obscene language to make people laugh.
хоолойнхоо хүчээр Барууны орнуудад нэрээ дахин сэргээгээд байна.jw2019 jw2019
Anita jokes, “Knowing the scriptures in our family was a survival skill; it was not optional.”
Яагаад багажны дизайнерууд энэ талаар өмнө бодоогүй юм бол оо?LDS LDS
We who respect, love, and honor the Lord will never take His name in vain and will be uncomfortable with demeaning or trivializing jokes about Him.
Зөвлөлтийнхөн Спутникийг олоходLDS LDS
“Well, he warned me about pornography and dirty jokes.”
Тэднээс хэрих аз жаргалтай байгааг асууж дугтуй өгөв.LDS LDS
He does this with pictures, movies, stories, jokes, music, and dances that suggest immoral acts.
харилцан адилгүй санаа өгүүлдэг.LDS LDS
(Proverbs 31:28b) Certainly, we do not demean them by making them the object of foolish and thoughtless jokes.
Ииймээс үйлдвэрлэл, дэвшилтийн өртөг,jw2019 jw2019
While Bishop Lund was joking when he said that he wishes True to the Faith were attached to the back of the standard works, he is confident the resource can be used in a variety of ways and offers something for everyone’s questions or concerns.
яг жинхэнэ мэт биш боловчLDS LDS
My father thought his friend was joking, so he said, “OK, if you want to send your missionaries, do it.”
Манай Исландад ч бас өөрсдийн адал явдал байсан.LDS LDS
It is vulgar to like poor music, to read weak books, to feed on sensational newspapers, ... to find amusement in trashy novels, to enjoy vulgar theatres, to find pleasure in cheap jokes.” 12
Өөрсдийгөө солиортол хэтэрхий их чалчих өвчин.LDS LDS
The joke isn't a joke.
Том гэр бүлд өсөх надад их таалагдсан.ted2019 ted2019
But I realized I could make my friends laugh without hurting someone else’s feelings, and I could leave the room during a crude joke without being ridiculed.
явж ирээд гэртээ цэнэглэнэ.LDS LDS
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