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latin america

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латин америк


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Latin America

eienaam, naamwoord
Those parts of the Americas which speak Spanish or Portuguese, Latin-derived languages: South America, Central America, Mexico, and most islands of the Carribean.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Mongools

Латин Америк


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Among them are many who, like me, were born in the countries of Latin America.
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Bias against girls reportedly still exists in Latin America, even among “more enlightened families.”
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At his Nobel Lecture, García Marquez reflected on Latin America’s long history of civil strife and rampant iniquity.
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Today, we don't have to go to Cuba to find a healthy country in Latin America.
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Latin America and East Asia are at the bottom of the list of reformers.
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More than 100,000 people were murdered in Latin America in one year, and some 50,000 in Brazil alone.
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About half of China’s FDI, however, went to natural resources projects in Latin America.
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In Latin America, nearly 1 person in every 3 has reported being a victim of violent crime.
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When the Portuguese arrived in Latin America about 500 years ago, they obviously found this amazing tropical forest.
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With One Hundred Years of Solitude, Gabriel García Márquez found a unique way to capture the unique history of Latin America.
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16 Today, the appearance of many new religions is a talking point in such places as Africa, Eastern Europe, and Latin America.
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And in the 1970s, then countries in Asia and Latin America started to catch up with the Western countries: they became the emerging economies.
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Latin America and the Caribbean: Growth in the region is projected to advance to 2 percent in 2018, from an estimated 0.9 percent in 2017.
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Growth is expected to exceed five percent through 2008 in all developing regions, except Latin America and the Caribbean, where it is projected to reach an average of 3.8 percent.
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Additionally, bans were imposed on us or on our activities in 23 lands in Africa, 9 in Asia, 8 in Europe, 3 in Latin America, and 4 in certain island nations.
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Latin America and the Caribbean: Growth in the region is projected to accelerate to a downwardly revised 1.7 percent in 2018 and to 2.3 percent in 2019, spurred by private consumption and investment.
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In South Asia, losses from gender inequality are estimated at $9.1 trillion, while they are estimated at $6.7 trillion in Latin America and the Caribbean and $3.1 trillion in the Middle East and North Africa.
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I thought my chance of going to Latin America was gone forever when I gave up competitive swimming, but after I completed my master’s degree at Brigham Young University, I served a mission to Colombia.
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This year’s day of service was filled with singing, laughing, and applause as 120,000 men, women, and children swept streets, cleaned schools, repaired buildings, beautified parks, and participated in other service projects in Latin America’s largest, most populated country.
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Latin America and the Caribbean: The region is projected to recover modestly from recession in 2016, with activity flat after shrinking by 0.9 percent in the year just ended, as the region grapples with the protracted decline of commodity prices and domestic challenges weighing on the region’s largest economies.
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We have only to mention the Crusades, which pitted so-called Christians against Muslims; the Catholic Inquisition in Spain and Latin America; Europe’s Thirty Years’ War between Protestants and Catholics; and the bloodiest of them all, the two world wars of our century, both of which started in the realm of Christendom.
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TOKYO, May 30, 2006 — Net private capital flows to developing countries reached a record high of $491 billion in 2005, driven by privatizations, mergers and acquisitions, external debt refinancing, as well as strong investor interest in local-currency bond markets in Asia and Latin America, says the World Bank’s annual 2006 Global Development Finance report.
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