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Any feature in the computer system based on older technology for which compatibility continues to be maintained in other system components.


Any feature in the computer system based on older technology for which compatibility continues to be maintained in other system components.

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My ancestors’ legacies live on through me, continually influencing my life for the better.
Товчхондоо стрессийг би дайснаа болгов.LDS LDS
They left a legacy of sacrifice.
Та нар бидэнд зориулж хийсэн ч хийсэн зүйлээ худалдаж авч болно.LDS LDS
Eventually the Church fell into apostasy, but the early Roman Saints left a legacy of faith at the center of the empire, setting the stage for Christianity to spread throughout the world.
2000 гаруй сэтгэгдэл ирсний доторLDS LDS
A legacy is a valuable gift that we inherit from our ancestors.
SafeCast хэмээн нэрлэсэн.LDS LDS
Yet, their legacy of faith and integrity mattered greatly; so does yours.
Зарим өрх асар их капиталын орлого олдог.jw2019 jw2019
Enoch, though imperfect, walked with God and left his descendants a legacy of faith.
намайг үл тоож, хязгаарласан хүмүүсээс миний өмнө хаалга нээсэн хүмүүсийн тооjw2019 jw2019
“These early pioneers gave their all to the gospel of Jesus Christ and leave a legacy for their posterity to follow,” he has testified.7 What pushed Elder Rasband’s ancestors forward amidst adversity and persecution is what most qualifies him for his new calling: a knowledge and a sure witness of the Lord and His work.
Энэ бол Супернова маягийн тэсрэлт юм.LDS LDS
This will be the measure of your success—the legacy of leadership and spirituality you leave ingrained in the hearts and minds of these young men.
Тэгээд би нүднийхээ болорт тусламж авсан Гималайн хүмүүсийгLDS LDS
♫ I'm proud to carry your legacy
Та Германы насжилтын пирамидыг харж байна.ted2019 ted2019
As you begin writing a little bit every day, you will not only be able to see more clearly how Heavenly Father helps you through your daily life, just as He guided the pioneers, but you will also be leaving a legacy for your own future posterity.
Масловын онолын зөв эсэхэд эргэлздэг хүний хувьдLDS LDS
“With the same joy, I claim the legacies of today’s modern-day Church pioneers who live in every nation and whose own stories of perseverance, faith, and sacrifice add glorious new verses to the great chorus of the latter-day anthem of the kingdom of God.”
ээж, аав, дүү нарааLDS LDS
Hyrum Shumway passed away in March 2011, leaving behind a legacy of faith and trust in the Lord, even under trying conditions, to his large posterity of children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.1
Стресс бидний зүрх сэтгэлийг нээж өгч байна.LDS LDS
What a glorious legacy of faith, courage, and ingenuity those noble pioneers have left for us to build upon.
3 зүйлийг зааж өгмөөр байна.LDS LDS
And you're wondering, " What is a legacy? "
ажлын үр дүнг нүдэн дээр нь устгахтай адил хор нөлөөтэй аж.QED QED
Learn about and draw strength from the legacies of our families.
Ингээд бид хянах боломжтой гол хувьсагчуудтай боллоо:LDS LDS
Latter-day Saints in Italy: A Legacy of Faith
дэлхийн бөмбөрцгийг бүтээж буйг харж болно.LDS LDS
I am deeply grateful for the peace that comes from attending the temple, for a legacy of faithful ancestors, and most of all, for the atoning sacrifice of the Savior Jesus Christ.
Тэгээд л бидний харилцаа дууссан.LDS LDS
It is the desire of my heart that, along with my children and grandchildren, we will honor the legacy of our righteous forefathers—those faithful Mormon pioneers who were willing to put everything on the altar to sacrifice for and defend their God and their faith.
зориг хүчтэй болох үеийнхтэй яг адил байлаа.LDS LDS
Our spiritual legacy protects us from the dangers of willing involvement with demons, for we know that God condemned Babylon’s spiritistic practices.
Би дэлхийд ирэх боломжтой болсондоо баярлан уухайлан хашгирсан.jw2019 jw2019
Brother Westwood believes that those who take the time to record a personal history, writing honestly about the hard times and the good times, will be able to see the hand of the Lord in their lives and will leave a legacy and memories that will strengthen their families and other members of the Church.
би цэрэг байх тэр үед.LDS LDS
They met with José, who summed up Desideria’s endurance to the end and legacy of faith by saying that both his wife and his mother “died in full faith of Mormonism” and that he had “hope of dying in Mormonism.” 7
юу гэхээр, тэдгээр бүжигчдийн нэг нь ер бусын болдог байна л даа.LDS LDS
Our legacy includes what heartening promise?
Нарийвчилсан анагаах ухаан хорт хавдрын эмчилгээнд хувьсгал хийсэн.jw2019 jw2019
That is a major reason the pioneers succeeded as they did, and it is an important part of the legacy they pass to us.
байгууллагууд үүнийг нийтэд ихээр ярьж эхэлсэн юм.LDS LDS
Many wonderful, humble women in the Church provide dedicated service without realizing the far-reaching impact their lives have—as examples of temporal service, but also as legacies of spiritual strength.
гэр бүл, эсвэл тэр нийгмийн бусад гэр бүлийгLDS LDS
These early pioneers gave their all to the gospel of Jesus Christ and leave a legacy for their posterity to follow.
Бид өнгөрсөн жил шизофрений тухй хийсэн судалгаагаа хэвлүүлсэн бөгөөдLDS LDS
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