light bulb oor Mongools

light bulb

An evacuated glass bulb containing a metal filament which is heated by electrical resistance to produce light.

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evacuated glass bulb containing a metal filament that produces light

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How useful is a light bulb without electrical power?
Бидний хүлээж авсан хамгийн бага хандив 20 цент.LDS LDS
Everything was working properly—all except one thing: a single burned-out light bulb.
Тэгээд "Би 3 найзтайгааLDS LDS
Much as electricity powers a light bulb, breathing energizes your voice when you speak or sing.
Иймд банкны мэдээллийг олон улсын хэмжээндjw2019 jw2019
Much as electricity powers a light bulb, breathing energizes your voice when you speak or sing.
Танд хэрэгтэй ганц зүйл болjw2019 jw2019
Without thinking much about it, I told them the light bulbs were out above the stairs going up to the second floor.
Гүйцэтгэх захиралд ч бай, ерөнхийлөгчид ч бай ялгаагүй.LDS LDS
THE telephone, the electric light bulb, the automobile, and the refrigerator are just some of the inventions that have improved everyday life.
Италийн Америк, нэрийг нь ихэнх Америкчуудjw2019 jw2019
They took that video and they embedded it in their 404 page and it was like a light bulb went off for everybody in the place.
Учир нь би ч бас их хувь авна" гэлээ.ted2019 ted2019
Of course, the malfunctioning light bulb didn’t cause the accident; it happened because the crew placed its focus on something that seemed to matter at the moment while losing sight of what mattered most.
давж туулах ёстой зовлон гэж харах амархан.LDS LDS
Thomas Edison worked several years and tried more than 1,000 different materials before he found a suitable filament (the thin wire at the heart of a light bulb) that could provide long-lasting, affordable light.
физикийн үндсэн хуулиуд, термодинакийн хоёрдугаар хуульLDS LDS
What we get out of this project is support for our own work, as well as an experience of actually contributing to the environmental movement in a way other than just screwing in new light bulbs.
цалингийн нууцлалтай эхлүүлж,ted2019 ted2019
Within a few days, many neighbors and friends added blue bulbs to their strings of Christmas lights.
Яагаад гэвэл энэ их соирхолтой. Тэгээд би Алис Чарни ЭпстэйнийLDS LDS
If you looked closely, you would see one blue bulb among the red, green, and white lights.
Үр дүн нь Виллиам Муирын туршилттай яг адилхан байдаг:LDS LDS
However, in one particular store, the suits were in an area illuminated with fluorescent lighting while the shirts and ties were displayed in another area under incandescent bulbs.
дэвшлийг шинэ шатанд гаргаж байгаа юм.LDS LDS
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