local oor Mongools


/ˈloʊkl/, /ˈləʊkl/ adjektief, naamwoord
(mathematics, not comparable, of a condition or state) Applying to each point in a space rather than the space as a whole.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Mongools


In information processing, an operation performed by the computer at hand rather than by a remote computer.


In information processing, an operation performed by the computer at hand rather than by a remote computer.

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

user locale
хэрэглэгчийн байршлын онцлог
local object
локал объект
local area network
Дотоод сүлжээ · дотоод сүлжээ
local group
дотоод бүлэг
Local Pack
Дотоод модуль
байршлын онцлог


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
This list is available at srs.lds.org/lenders or from your stake self-reliance committee or local self-reliance services manager.
Би тийм гэж бодохгүй байна. Миний бодлоор Турк аль хэдийнLDS LDS
Sometime before the Tuesday evening meeting, the circuit overseer meets with the coordinator or another local elder to discuss any questions he has as a result of reviewing the records.
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In China, as the government seeks to strike a balance between containing growing risks and meeting growth targets, the report indicates that structural reforms in sectors previously reserved for state enterprises and services could help offset the impact of measures to contain local government debt and curb shadow banking.
Авьяаслаг эрчүүд, зарим эмэгтэйчүүдийг сонгоодworldbank.org worldbank.org
Further local area consultations were held on April 18 and 19, 2016, in Selenge Soum and Atar Bag.
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In some localities, it is necessary to rent a hall.
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It will build capacity for the government Local Development Funds, which finance investments in infrastructure and services at the local level.
Пуужин зэвсэг биш.worldbank.org worldbank.org
Elder Christofferson and Elder Ballard presided over conferences in several stakes and participated in firesides for local priesthood leaders, parents and married couples, young single adults, and youth.
Газа хотын өмнө зүгт байрлах Цагдаагийн хэсгийн урдLDS LDS
To help combat Åslev’s claims, a local member, Einar Johansson, offered to speak for the Church.
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Are there local schools?
Байгууллагууд ядуусын өөрсөддөөLDS LDS
Organizations, schools, local churches, and international organizations took part.
Архивт маш их мэдээлэл байдаг,LDS LDS
"Many solutions will require Ulaanbaatar citizens to change technologies and learn how to use them. The local private sector will need to supply and service these technologies,” he adds.
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15 Numerous arrangements are in place so that we can focus on preaching the good news with our local congregation.
Өнөөдөр энд ирсэндээ би их баяртай байна.jw2019 jw2019
For instance, the elders may be able to help out by assisting the parents to learn about and benefit from governmental or social programs locally.
Учир нь тэдний ажлыг цаас устгагчид хийж байгааг харсан.jw2019 jw2019
Therefore, members should not solicit additional financial assistance from Church headquarters or from local leaders or members.
Тэр орон нутагт байсаар байгааLDS LDS
If time allows, relate or reenact a good local experience.
Канадын найруулагч Деннис Аркандын найруулсан нэг кино бий.jw2019 jw2019
An instance when Japanese leaders appreciated the Church’s timely assistance was when local priesthood leaders identified an overwhelmed refugee shelter set up at a school in an isolated area.
та компьютерт тань урьдчилан суулгагдсанLDS LDS
A class on recycling will even be incorporated in the local secondary schools’ curriculum.
Цаг хугацаа бол бүх зүйл гэсэн үг.worldbank.org worldbank.org
Remember that —especially at first— they may not be used to some local foods.
Ямар нэг сөрөг нөлөө байгаагүй ч өөрчлөлт мэдрэгдээгүй.jw2019 jw2019
Our dear local brothers and sisters are very excited about JW Broadcasting.
Тэрээр бүсгүйд "Чи яг л лусын дагина, алхаа чинь яг л вальс эргэх шиг" гэлээ.jw2019 jw2019
After a series of successes, including an article about her stake’s seminary program appearing in the local paper, she says she gained confidence and “felt on fire with a desire to bring forth the Church ‘out of obscurity’” (see D&C 1:30).
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(If a Church member who was weaker in faith saw another member eat at a dining hall connected to a local pagan temple, the member of weaker faith may also believe that nothing was wrong with idol worship.)
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The information produced will be used by the Ministry of Education and local governments to improve the education services at the aimag and the National level.
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Vitaly: When I had been home from my mission for a few months, I was asked to be a counselor at a local youth conference.
ердөө хий хоосон зүйл байлаа.LDS LDS
When I did muster up the courage to pray, an elder from the local congregation visited me.
Энтрепренёр, байгууллагын удирдагч нарjw2019 jw2019
Nor should local leaders teach their own rules or interpretations regarding the commandments.
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201 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.