mechanism oor Mongools


/ˈmɛkənɪzm/ naamwoord
Within a machine or machinery; any mechanical means for the conversion or control of motion, or the transmission or control of power

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Mongools


mechanical means for the conversion or control of motion

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

mechanical engineering
Машин үйлдвэрлэл
soil mechanics
Хөрсний механик
applied mechanics
Техникийн механик
fluid mechanics
Шингэний механик
classical mechanics
Сонгодог механик
mechanical engineer
Машин үйлдвэрлэлийн инженер
mechanical sensor
механик мэдрэгч
quantum mechanics
Квант механик


Advanced filtering
Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
These tested approaches and institutional mechanisms have been scaled up nationwide during the second phase of the program since 2007.
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For Sister Assard, who is German, to leave her family and allow Brother Assard to leave his work as an accomplished mechanical engineer required unusual faith.
Гэхдээ юун түрүүнд таны мэддэг зүйлээс эхэлье.LDS LDS
Mr. Roberto De Beaufort Carmago of the World Bank, a leading expert on Sovereign Wealth Fund will introduce key mechanisms of Sovereign Wealth Funds including governance and operation aspects.
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Keeping a regular maintenance schedule and refusing to skip it are important—both for airplanes and for Church members—in order to identify and correct problems before they become either mechanically or spiritually life threatening.
Энэ хайрцгыг худалдаж аваад, үйлдвэрлэж болно.LDS LDS
Prepare for future spatial expansion by facilitating access to land so expansion can occur efficiently, using mechanisms such as guided land development, land pooling and readjustment, land sharing and transfer of development rights.
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Physics is really figuring out how to discover new things that are counterintuitive, like quantum mechanics.
Дайны хүү, ээжгүй хүүted2019 ted2019
We are to forget self-justifying stories, excuses, rationalizations, defense mechanisms, procrastinations, appearances, personal pride, judgmental thoughts, and doing things our way.
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When we arrived at the gate, I told the mechanic that I felt something was wrong with the plane but that I didn’t know what the trouble was.
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Here, dating isn’t a mechanism to get to know someone.
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* Monitor and evaluate the quality of the education service to stimulate parental involvement and citizen demand for school performance, by (i) improving the availability of information to parents and the public on the quality of service delivery; (ii) using different mechanisms to make such information accessible to schools, communities, regions, and national stakeholders; and (iii) assessing the impact of such information dissemination.
"Médecins Sans Frontières" байгууллага
This will increase the impact of SLPII by further scaling up institutional mechanisms that reduce vulnerability and promote livelihoods in communities throughout Mongolia.
“За. Өөрийгөө хэт өндрөөр үнэлэх"
Projects that strengthen mechanisms for inclusion, accountability and participation as well as partnerships with the public sector, other civil society organizations and the private sector are ideal funding candidates for the CSF.
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Countless automobiles are scrapped, not because of mechanical failure, but because the metal is so rusted that the vehicles are unsafe.
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When the American fruit company comes to town, so does a romantic mechanic who is always followed by yellow butterflies.
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* One of the main mechanism for avoiding these problems and achieving sustained growth through a diversified economy will be public investments in infrastructure, education, and health to provide public goods, address market failures, crowd in private investments, and achieve redistributive goals.
Амьдарлдаа бүх зүйлд амжилттай байсан болохоор
Pastoral and herd management must therefore be complemented by financial mechanisms that provide herder households with immediate liquidity after a disaster.
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I am confident they prayed for safety before the flight and prayed fervently when their aircraft encountered serious mechanical problems before crashing.
ажилтнуудын сэтгэл ханамж 10 хувиар нэмэгджээ.LDS LDS
So without that curiosity- driven understanding of the structure of atoms, which led to this rather esoteric theory, quantum mechanics, then we wouldn't have transistors, we wouldn't have silicon chips, we wouldn't have pretty much the basis of our modern economy.
Намайг өргөж авсан Англи оронд би хайртай.QED QED
And one of the astonishing predictions of quantum mechanics, just by looking at the structure of atoms -- the same theory that describes transistors -- is that there can be no stars in the universe that have reached the end of their life that are bigger than, quite specifically, 1.4 times the mass of the Sun.
Стресс бидний зүрх сэтгэлийг нээж өгч байна.ted2019 ted2019
At some point, you may confront a mechanical problem that is beyond your ability to solve, requiring that you pull to the side of the road and seek help.
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Through this key mechanism, over 1300 sub-projects are implemented every year across the country to improve basic public services, local infrastructure and improved pastoral management plan.
Хүмүүс хийж буй зүйлдээ
For instance, a lawsuit may be the only mechanism available in getting a divorce decree, acquiring custody of a child, determining alimony payments, obtaining insurance compensation, being listed among creditors in a bankruptcy proceeding, and probating wills.
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Jehovah deserves more than mechanical obedience to specific orders, such as can be performed even by animals or demons.
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A mechanism has been established to collect resources into a fund to finance universal access to telecommunication and Internet services.
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“I comprehend the mechanics of ‘losing your life to find it’ in a way that I never have before.
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89 sinne gevind in 17 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.