miles oor Mongools


Plural form of mile.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Mongools


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Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Mongools

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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
All we could do was try to reach the harbor at Apia 40 miles (64 km) away.
Илэн далангүй байх нь санал зөрчилдөхөд хүргэдэг.LDS LDS
After all, the closest unit of the Church at that time was more than 60 miles (96 km) away from the beach.
СЛ: Эмиг төрөхөд тус болсон, гэхдээ чи миний хувьд үнэхээр онцгой,LDS LDS
The canyon is famous for its 14 miles (23 km) of white-water rapids that can be particularly hazardous.
нэлээн ширүүн үгтэй шуудан илгээе гэж бодлоо.LDS LDS
I had to drive hundreds of miles from Idaho to Texas in my old car, a car I had affectionately named Vern.
Гэтэл бидний ихэнх нь нойрны талаар боддоггүй.LDS LDS
This is energy farming, so you're talking about many square miles, thousands of times more area than you think of as a normal energy plant.
Технологи нь байна.ted2019 ted2019
Its gravitational pull allows the earth to orbit at a distance of 93 million miles [150 million km] without drifting away or being sucked in.
75 жилийн дараа л ургамал ургахjw2019 jw2019
He sent for the older men of the Ephesus congregation, some 30 miles [50 km] away.
Би цээжний хүнд гэмтэл авсан.jw2019 jw2019
To make certain he was always at work by 8:00 a.m. each Monday, Brother Moyle would start walking the 22 miles about 2:00 a.m.
7-р ангийн тоог ойлгоход мэдэх ёстой зүйлс тийм ч амар биш:LDS LDS
I think of the miles He walked in the dust,
Орон зай ба урт хугацаа л амийг чинь аварна.LDS LDS
He settled in Alpine, Utah, about 22 miles (35 kilometers) from the Salt Lake Temple.
гэсэн мөнөөх гэмгүй асуулт нь маань бидний нойрыг хулжаажLDS LDS
My uncle came to our home from Copenhagen, about 40 miles (65 km) away, to help with holiday preparations.
хуваагдмал, бас тогтворгүй байгаа.LDS LDS
If you could take a pinhead-sized piece of the sun’s core and put it here on the earth, you could not safely stand within 90 miles [140 km] of that tiny heat source!
Таны харсанчлан бид эхлээд хөгжлийн бэрхшээлтэй хүмүүст зориулан загварчилбалjw2019 jw2019
So I decided to drive 200 miles [320 km] to attend the Saturday program.”
Гацаах зүйл гарахгүй. Хэн ч эрч хүчээ дэмий зүйлд зарцуулах хэрэггүй болно.jw2019 jw2019
For the past 10 years, she, my son, and their family have lived hundreds of miles from us.
тэгээд тэр нь үүр цайтал, хэдэн цагаар үргэлжилнэ.LDS LDS
Walking the Extra Mile
(Зураг авах чимээ)LDS LDS
Today our messages travel thousands of miles into the sky or thousands of meters beneath the oceans to reach someone on the other side of the world, and if there is a delay of even a few seconds, we get frustrated and impatient.
би үнэхээр их баярласан.LDS LDS
My faults and weaknesses suddenly became so plainly clear to me that the gap between the person I was and the holiness and goodness of God seemed [like] millions of miles.
Тиймээс хөвгүүд маань энэ байдалтай ямар нэг байдлаар дасан зохицожLDS LDS
For the annual Passover, Joseph may have needed two weeks to make the 75-mile journey (120 km), observe the occasion, and return home.
Нийгмийн шинжлэх ухаандjw2019 jw2019
Though she traveled over 1,000 miles to safety, losing each of her children to cold and starvation, she remained faithful to her hope in Jesus Christ that her family could be together after the Resurrection.
Энэ нь сургууль дээр,LDS LDS
Still, with her four little children, she regularly walked 10 miles [16 km] and then rode a bus for another 20 miles [30 km] to get to the nearest Kingdom Hall.
Юунд зарцуулж болохыг нь санал болгосон.jw2019 jw2019
About 10 miles (16 km) away was a medium-sized city with an active train schedule.
нэмэлт 99 долларыг зарцуулдаг байна.LDS LDS
Some of these nonstop flights can last up to 14 hours and cover almost 9,000 miles (14,500 km).
Энэ хоёрын ижил төстэй тал нь юу вэ?LDS LDS
Joseph—still not fully healed—was forced to limp “through the snow 40 miles [64 km] per day for several days,” experiencing what he called “the most excruciating weariness & pain.” 16
Энэ үнэхээр гайхалтай таамаг шүү.LDS LDS
In urging his listeners to go the second mile, Jesus meant that without resentment they were to perform services that those in authority might legitimately demand. —4/1, page 9.
Байшинд орохын өмнө та гэрээнд гарын үсэг зурна.jw2019 jw2019
The Danish runner did have a better time in the mile that season.
Хэдийгээр баялгийн тэгш бус байдал ньLDS LDS
201 sinne gevind in 9 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.