niece oor Mongools


/niːs/ naamwoord
A daughter of someone’s sibling, brother-in-law, or sister-in-law; either the daughter of one's brother ("fraternal niece"), or of one's sister ("sororal niece").

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When he answered, I explained how I had found the information about my grandfather—his father—and told him that I was his niece.
АНУ-д хүүхдүүдийн 55% ньLDS LDS
One woman said she bought a stuffed animal for her niece.
Та мэдэх эрхтэй!ted2019 ted2019
Above: The author’s father, Moses, mother, Lavinia, and niece on the Los Angeles California Temple grounds in 1999.
Учир нь би үүнд аль хэдийн их цаг, хүч хөдөлмөр,LDS LDS
Tonight I hope you’ll think of me as your “Aunt Wendy” as I speak to you from my heart just as I would—and have—to my own nieces and nephew.
"Хэвлэ эсвэл мөх" гэснийг сөргүүлэн хэлсэн байдаг.LDS LDS
She thinks that her variable expenses will increase to 1300 because of 250 more in chicken feed and 50 for her niece to deliver the eggs.
хими хаа сайгүй байдаг.LDS LDS
So this is my niece.
Ваннанд суугаад бялууг идэж байсан,ted2019 ted2019
And so I need each of you to tell every young woman you know -- your sister, your niece, your employee, your colleague -- to be comfortable with imperfection, because when we teach girls to be imperfect, and we help them leverage it, we will build a movement of young women who are brave and who will build a better world for themselves and for each and every one of us.
энэ бол ажлын үр дүнгээс чинь чамайг хамгаалж байдаг сэтгэл зүйн тогтолцоо юм.ted2019 ted2019
(Genesis 5:4) Thus Cain married one of his sisters or possibly a niece.
Саад тотгор бол бид өөрсдийнхөө амьдралаар амьдрахын тулдjw2019 jw2019
The twins enjoy family home evening with their two brothers, their niece, and their father and mother.
үнэн гэж бодож буй талд зогсох гэжLDS LDS
A week before my wife, Akata, and I flew to Fiji from Australia, my niece told me that the Westerland would be going to Rotuma the day before we were scheduled to arrive.
Харин 1 хувийн санал авдаг тэр өдөр би нэг зүйлийг ойлгосон.LDS LDS
During the next seven years, the couple had four more children and welcomed a nephew and a niece from Haiti into their home.
яг зөгий үүрэндээ шаагилдах шиг.LDS LDS
For instance, family members may help to support, raise, and even pay for the education of their nieces, nephews, or more-distant relatives.
Хөөх. Тэгээд би ажлаа илүү сайн хийхийн тулд хөтөчөө солиод л болоо юу?jw2019 jw2019
For example, my niece gathered and shared with me several letters that I had written to my parents nearly 70 years ago from my marine outpost on the island of Saipan in the Pacific during World War II.
Эдгээр нь нийгмийн эрүүл мэндийн нарийвчилсан аргын чухал бүрэлдэхүүн.LDS LDS
My brother, his daughter, Barbara’s brother, and a niece and her husband have moved into our condominium complex.
Энэ үзэгдэл үргэлжилсээр байна.LDS LDS
“[Once] I stayed in the home of my niece and her family.
Би ч Вагнерыг яаж цойлсоныг мэддэггүй юм.LDS LDS
Later my niece called to tell us that she would be arriving that night and would be bringing 33 pounds (15 kg) of marinated meat.
Хэрвээ та үүнийг хийх гэж буй болLDS LDS
Little did we know that the feeling of peace and joy we felt was also being felt by our nieces and nephews upon our return from our meetings.
тухай номнууд байна.LDS LDS
My niece gave it to me.
Хүүхдээ Харвардад оруулахын тулд ажлын зав чөлөө гаргаж яваа нь тэр.LDS LDS
She thinks that her variable expenses will increase to 1600 because of 500 more in chicken feed and 100 for her niece to deliver the eggs.
Бас аав нь юу өмсөж болох, болохгүйг хүртэл сонгож байв. (Инээд)LDS LDS
I had 5 married siblings and 13 nieces and nephews, so this was no simple task.
Энэтхэгийн засгийн газрын вэбсайт дээр бэлэн байгаа.LDS LDS
My five-year-old niece, pleased that her family was ready for Christmas, exclaimed, “This is going to be a great Christmas!”
Огторгуй өчүүхэн, атомоос ч жижиг.LDS LDS
* Playing with his sister, his niece (above), and his nephew.
Гэхдээ аврах завь руу татагдах үед бяцхан охины инээмсэглэхийгLDS LDS
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