ointment oor Mongools


/ˈɔɪntmɪnt/ naamwoord
(medicine) a viscous preparation of oils and/or fats, usually containing medication, used as a treatment or as an emollient. (compare with cream)

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viscous preparation, usually containing medication

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They gave Him gold, a costly perfume called frankincense, and an ointment called myrrh.
Нуруун дээрээ 9 сартай Малек гэх бяцхан хүүхэд суулгасанLDS LDS
The older brother next climbed up onto the kitchen counter, opened a cabinet, and found a new tube of medicated ointment.
Маш ашигтай санал.LDS LDS
Summarize Matthew 26:6–13 by explaining that while Jesus was in Bethany, a woman came to Him and anointed Him with very expensive ointment to acknowledge His impending death and burial.
50 жилийн турш үүнтэй ижил түүхүүд бидний сэтгэлийг хөдөлгөсөөр ирсэн.LDS LDS
Though the scratches on his little brother were not large or extensive, the older brother applied almost all of the ointment in the tube to the entire injured arm.
сандалын налуурт цахилгаан импульсыг механик руу хѳрвүүлэхLDS LDS
When, prior to His betrayal and Crucifixion, Mary anointed Jesus’s head with an expensive burial ointment, Judas Iscariot protested this extravagance and “murmured against her.” 7
Хэрэглэдэг интернет хөтөч дээрүндэслэнLDS LDS
Mary, the sister of Martha and Lazarus, anointed Jesus’s feet with expensive ointment.
эсвэл Жозеф Кэмпбеллийн гайхалтай номонд гардаг шигLDS LDS
(You may want to explain that an “alabaster box of ointment” was a bottle filled with costly perfumed oil.)
эсвэл зүгээр л гүйдэг болсон.LDS LDS
When we apply the healing ointment of the Savior’s Atonement, He will soften our heart and help us to change.
Тэд илүү их хүчин чармайлт гаргасан.LDS LDS
He quickly sought out his friends and began to put ointment and bandages on their arms.
Маш ойрхон өнгөрсөн,LDS LDS
The screaming did not resume, as the little brother clearly liked the soothing effect of the ointment much more than he appreciated the cleansing effect of the dishwashing soap.
Тийм болохоор би байгалийн хийнээс давуу болно гэсэн итгэлтэй байна.LDS LDS
The Healing Ointment of Forgiveness
дундаж 40 хувь гэж нэрлэсэн,LDS LDS
Some of His disciples, including Judas, one of the Twelve Apostles and the group’s treasurer, complained that the ointment should have been sold to help the poor.
харин Броодмоорт илгээсэн байна.LDS LDS
* How did Judas Iscariot react to Mary’s anointing the Savior with costly ointment?
тэгээд зарим нь үнэн ч байж магадLDS LDS
* According to verse 5, how much was the ointment worth?
нягтлан бодогчид шиг ярьж эхэлнэ.LDS LDS
With the emergency resolved, and with soap bubbles, ointment, and wrappers all over the kitchen, the two little boys hopped down from the chair with bright smiles and happy faces.
Би алдахдаа ч маш мундаг болсон л доо.LDS LDS
Anointed His feet with ointment
Учир нь энэ танигдаагүй, санхүүжилтгүй, ховор өвчнийгLDS LDS
The ointment had softened the skin and created an escape for the very thing that had caused pain for so many years.
ялгаагүй болох нь байна шүү дээ.LDS LDS
The injured brother gathered up the remaining bandages and the almost empty tube of ointment, and he went back outside.
байгаль орчныг сүйтгэж,LDS LDS
Mary Magdalene and a few other faithful women came early to the Savior’s tomb that Sunday morning, bringing spices and ointments to complete the anointing begun when the Lord’s body was hastily laid in the sepulchre before the approaching Sabbath.
Тэгээд надад маш их таалагдсан.LDS LDS
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