pocket oor Mongools


/ˈpɒkɪt/ adjektief, werkwoord, naamwoord
A bag stitched to an item of clothing, used for carrying small items.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Mongools


bag stitched to an item of clothing


Glosbe Research


Noun noun
Glosbe Research

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

punched pocket
нүхтэй хавтас


Advanced filtering
Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
A very silly, trivial thing to do, but think of the difference on a team that didn't do that at all, that got 15 euro, put it in their pocket, maybe bought themselves a coffee, or teams that had this prosocial experience where they all bonded together to buy something and do a group activity.
Бид амьдралынхаа нөхцөл байдлын зөвхөн заримднь л хяналт тавьж чаддагийг би өөрийн туршлагаас ойлгосон юм.QED QED
In pockets, there appear what my colleague, Fred Spier, calls "Goldilocks conditions" -- not too hot, not too cold, just right for the creation of complexity.
илүү хөнгөн болгохын тулд пуужингийн зохион бүтээх техник их ашигласан.ted2019 ted2019
Then ask them to complete the following sentence on the other side of the paper: I will show the Lord my faith in Him by ... Encourage students to keep this piece of paper in their pockets throughout the day and to keep a running list of ideas for demonstrating their faith to the Lord.
нэгэн асуултыг танд тавихыг хүсэж байна.LDS LDS
In pockets, there appear what my colleague, Fred Spier, calls " Goldilocks conditions " -- not too hot, not too cold, just right for the creation of complexity.
Энэ нь ихээхэн сорилтыгQED QED
We were swimming in the pool at a hotel and found a pocket watch at the bottom of the pool.
түүнийгээ дагах хэрэгтэй.LDS LDS
AR: Check your pocket.
Мянга мянган хүмүүс энд амьдарч,ted2019 ted2019
I took the 20-dollar bill from my pocket and handed it to her.
Хэрэв өөрийн хүчээ нээх тэр түлхүүрийг тан хэн нэгэнд гардуулахадLDS LDS
Who could have imagined not very many years ago that the full standard works and years of general conference messages would fit into your pocket?
Хэн ч хамаагүй гарч ирээд тавыг сонгоно.LDS LDS
The injured young man groaned and feebly gestured toward his pocket.
улс орон бүхэлдээ зогсонги байдалд шилжсэнLDS LDS
So whenever you want to look great and competent, reduce your stress or improve your marriage, or feel as if you just had a whole stack of high-quality chocolate without incurring the caloric cost, or as if you found 25 grand in a pocket of an old jacket you hadn't worn for ages, or whenever you want to tap into a superpower that will help you and everyone around you live a longer, healthier, happier life, smile.
Би аяга тавгаа угааж,ted2019 ted2019
For example, many of us have a personal electronic device that fits into our pocket.
цахим хуудас хийхийн орондLDS LDS
Maybe a person or two gave them some pocket change, but the rest just stared out the frosty windows.
Зүгээр харахад л гайхалтай.LDS LDS
And one way to think about it is for every 15 euro you give people for themselves, they put it in their pocket, they don't do anything different than they did before.
Охин чинь чамаас урам зориг авчQED QED
Then he put it in his suit pocket and told Brother Zayas that he would take care of their request.
Би ойлгоогүй зүйлийнхээ учрыг тайлахаарLDS LDS
Arriving at the car, I reached in my coat pocket for the keys and then another pocket and another.
Тиймээс өнөөдөр энэ өнгөцхөн ойлголт,LDS LDS
I would love for them to be able to just print out a Foldscope and carry them around in their pockets.
Гэхдээ энэ биш.ted2019 ted2019
Joseph put his hand in his pocket, took out five dollars and said, ‘I feel sorry for this brother to the amount of five dollars; how much do you all feel sorry?’”
1000 доллараас хямд ямар ч камерны хоцролт нь урам хугарамаар.LDS LDS
Take the eight coins out of your pocket, and give five to one student, two to the next student, and one to the third student.)
учир нь бид хүүхдийг халуурч эсвэл бөөлжсөн гэж мэдэж болох ч,LDS LDS
Most of us carry keys in pockets or purses wherever we go.
хэл, соёлыг илэрхийлэх ч бай үгүй ч бай,LDS LDS
One brother puts a few in his pocket whenever he leaves home.
Энэ асуултад хариулах зорилгоор MIT-ийн баг судалгаа явуулжээ.jw2019 jw2019
I never went to bed hungry, even though I didn’t have even a penny in my pocket.
Илэн далангүй байх нь санал зөрчилдөхөд хүргэдэг.LDS LDS
And now, I guarantee you certainly half of this room, if not more, has a device sitting in their pocket right now that is talking to one of these satellites in outer space.
Таны халаасанд нээх олон юм байхгүй юм байна, энэ халаасанд юм байна уу?ted2019 ted2019
I reached into my pocket where I put the 20 pesos, and there were five 20-peso bills in the roll.
хэрэгтэй гэдгийг санаарай.LDS LDS
After we shared a scripture message, he pulled out his pocket-sized hymnbook and asked if we could sing with them.
Түүний дараа өрөөгөөр тойрч хэсэг алхаадLDS LDS
I happened to have a Captain Moroni figurine, and he sat in my shirt pocket the rest of the school year as a reminder of how Captain Moroni had taught me to manage a middle school classroom.
Тэд унших чадвар, шинжлэх ухаан, математикаарааLDS LDS
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