poignant oor Mongools


/ˈpɔɪn.jənt/, /ˈpɔɪ.njənt/ adjektief
(obsolete, of a weapon etc) sharp-pointed; keen.

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Whatever the reason, that first Christmas away is a poignant memory for all of us.
Харин миний аргачлал бол айж буй зүйлээ хийх,LDS LDS
Although He experienced many disappointments, one of the most poignant was depicted in His lament over Jerusalem as He closed His public ministry.
Ахиад нэг долоо хоног өнгөрсний дараа таны тааж байгаачлан,LDS LDS
Particularly poignant for teenagers is the feeling of rejection when peers seem to join in happy relationships and activities and deliberately leave them out.
Гэвч энэ үл мэдэгдэх хэсэгт илүү төвөгтэй зүйлийг олж,LDS LDS
Two verses of scripture in particular, 3 Nephi 13:33 and Doctrine and Covenants 75:11, became especially meaningful and poignant to me.
байдал дордсоор амь насанд заналхийлэхэдLDS LDS
That is particularly poignant for the parents of young children.
Олон салангид эд ангиудын учрыг нь олжLDS LDS
Another poignant Christmas memory occurred in 1984, causing my gratitude for the Savior and the glorious plan of salvation to grow significantly.
ийм хэмжээний урсгалыг дийлэхгүй.LDS LDS
One of my brothers experienced this feeling in an especially poignant way.
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Some of the most poignant passages in all of scripture capture the sublime significance of children in our Heavenly Father’s plan.
Энэ хамгийн гайхалтай нь байсан баLDS LDS
Several of our most poignant scriptures use the concept of the tree with its roots and branches as an analogy.
Амаа онгорхой байлга. Ингэснээр цохилтынLDS LDS
(Psalm 94:19) In the Bible, we read the poignant words of God’s servants as they begged for divine help.
Танд зорилго байхгүй мэт санагдаж магадгүй.jw2019 jw2019
The answers given by His disciples prepared them for the deeper and more poignant question, “But whom say ye that I am?”
эхнэрийнхээ тухай юу мэдэрч байгааг нь тайлбарлуулна.LDS LDS
I love the parable of the prodigal son.6 There’s something poignant about that pivotal moment when the prodigal “came to himself.”
Гурав дах нь, миний хувьд хамгийн сонирхолтой нь,LDS LDS
As Joseph began to mature, his feelings toward God “were deep and often poignant,”5 yet he was confused by conflicting religious ideas taught by the preachers of his day.
Тиймээс бид анхаарч, засаж, шинэчлэх хэрэгтэй.LDS LDS
This poignant experience helped Joseph remember, forever after, which way he faced.
♫Бас л нэг өлсгөлөн дүрвэгчбайх байсан бол уу♫LDS LDS
This is particularly poignant.
Грекууд тэр агуу сэтгэл зүйг "Дэмон" гэж нэрлэсэн байна.LDS LDS
He wrote, “Though my feelings were deep and often poignant, ... it was impossible for a person young as I was, and so unacquainted with men and things, to come to any certain conclusion who was right and who was wrong” (see Joseph Smith—History 1:8).
хэн хүссэн нь ашиглаж,LDS LDS
Preceding the comforting revelation to Joseph and Oliver, the Prophet endured a poignant, painful experience that taught him to look to the Savior and not fear the opinions, pressures, and threats of men.
сайн зохиомжтой мөчүүд бренд бий болгодог.LDS LDS
Our memories of them are poignant, and I add my tribute to honor them, each so uniquely different yet so harmonized in their witness and testimony of Jesus Christ and His Atonement.
цалинг нууцлах нь маш их мөнгө хэмнэх арга болдог байх нь.LDS LDS
The translation work ceased for a season, and the plates and interpreters were taken from Joseph until September 22—a poignant reminder of his earlier probational period.
Тиймээс дараа нь өөрсдөд нь үлдэх зүйлийгLDS LDS
We listened to the voice of the narrator as he posed the poignant and universal questions: Where did I come from?
бүгд энэ зүүн талын улбар шарыг тойрсонLDS LDS
21 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.