president oor Mongools


/ˈpɹɛzɨdənt/, /ˈprɛ.zə.dənt/ adjektief, naamwoord
The head of state of a republic, a representative democracy and sometimes (in cases of constitutional violations) a dictatorship.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Mongools


the head of state of a republic


leader of a country or part of a country, usually in republics

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Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings


An honorific for the head of state of a republic; see president (definition 1).

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President of Mongolia
Монгол Улсын Ерөнхийлөгч


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This may include gathering fast offerings, caring for the poor and needy, caring for the meetinghouse and grounds, serving as a messenger for the bishop in Church meetings, and fulfilling other assignments from the quorum president.
Гэхдээ чамд юу байхгүй болсныг хэлье. Ажил” гэж гэнэ.LDS LDS
The committee also includes a high councilor, a member of the stake Relief Society presidency, and several single adults.
Одоо бүгдээрээ нэг сар хүрэхээсээ өмнө энддэгLDS LDS
The faith of this family is personified by the faith of President Uchtdorf’s grandmother.
омгийн хөгжим, бөмбөрийн аятай СD гаргасан.LDS LDS
If a stake president or bishop feels that such travel may be justified, he prayerfully considers the potential spiritual benefits of the activity, the cost of the travel, and the effect on families before approving it.
Ливанд марафон зохион байгуулах ньLDS LDS
The stake presidency may invite others to attend as needed.
Та нар өөрсдийн хүмүүс болон өмч хөрөнгөө хүчирхийллээс яаж хамгаалдаг юм бэ?LDS LDS
During his 54 years as a General Authority and his 45 years as an Apostle, a special witness “of the name of Christ in all the world” (D&C 107:23), President Packer humbly bore testimony.
Ингээд би хүний хэлбэр лүү орж,LDS LDS
Invite a student to read aloud the following statement by President Ezra Taft Benson.
кино түүнийг эзэмдчихсэн.LDS LDS
If the stake presidency organizes a stake activities committee, they assign a high councilor to be the committee chairman.
болохыг харуулсан үзүүлэн юм.LDS LDS
President Monson Calls for Courage
Энэ бол мэдээж Палестины асуудал.LDS LDS
Young Women President
Дараа нь та тэр номыг эргүүлж харахдааLDS LDS
“Developing countries were an engine of global growth following the financial crisis, but now they face a more difficult economic environment,” said World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim.
Тавхан настай байсан би 9 настай эгчийнхээ гараас барин,
President Wilford Woodruff (1807–98)
хүмүүст ойлгуулах хэрэгтэй.LDS LDS
President Hinckley, Second Counselor in the First Presidency at the time, led the services to lay the cornerstone on Tuesday, September 25, 1984.
яагаад анх нэр дэвших болсноо, хэрхэн өөрийгөө сорихоор шийдэж байснааLDS LDS
Instead, President Monson said, “Brigham City is the hometown of President Boyd K.
эх орноосоо хол амьдарч байна.LDS LDS
A meeting of the Area Seventy or General Authority (if assigned), stake presidency, stake clerk, and stake executive secretary.
будааны тээрэмд болж буй зодож, хүчиндэж,LDS LDS
The stake presidency establishes guidelines that specify the ages at which players may participate in Church sports.
Гурав дахь ургамал нь мөнгөний мод юм.LDS LDS
When leaders of Church organizations follow their priesthood leaders and when members of presidencies and councils are unified, they can receive guidance from the Holy Ghost and lead according to the Lord’s will.
Энкеладусын бас нэг зураг.LDS LDS
We note that Brothers Tanner and Durrant are both currently serving as mission presidents and are, therefore, not in attendance here in the Conference Center.
бид ийнхүү төөрөгдөлтэй байгааг судлаяLDS LDS
Under the direction of the presiding authority, one or more Melchizedek Priesthood holders may participate in a setting apart, including a worthy father or husband (see 20.1.2).
яагаад гэдгийг мэдэхгүй шүү дээ.LDS LDS
Parents can receive revelation for their own family, a bishop for his assigned congregation, and on up to the First Presidency for the entire Church.
улс төрчид ч олон нийтэд итгэж сурах хэрэгтэй.LDS LDS
He is the presiding high priest, the repository of all of the keys of the holy priesthood, and the voice of revelation from God to His people.
Эсвэл өөрөө шинэ баатар зохиосон ч болно.LDS LDS
A General Authority or Area Seventy, or the stake president with written approval from the First Presidency
тэр танд зүгээр л сайн хандаж байна.LDS LDS
President Joseph Fielding Smith declared, “It is not the question of baptism for the dead alone, but also the sealing of parents and children to parents, so that there should be a ‘whole and complete and perfect union, and welding together of dispensations, and keys and powers and glories,’ from the beginning down to the end of time.
гэдгийг судлахад зориулсныг мэдээгүй.LDS LDS
Elders quorum president
К.Б.: Төлөвлөсөн гэрлэлтээс зайлсхийж би өөрөөLDS LDS
“On matters of doctrine, covenants, and policies established by the First Presidency and the Twelve, we do not deviate from the handbook,” said Elder Nelson.
Тэнгэр өөд хараа бэлчээн ширтлээ.LDS LDS
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