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(transitive) To restore to a former place, position, condition, or the like.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Mongools


To put new data in the place of other data, usually after conducting a search for the data to be replaced. Text-based applications such as word processors typically include Find and Replace commands.

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If we have committed sexual sins, the Lord will forgive us if we truly repent.6 The despair of sin can be replaced with the sweet peace of forgiveness.7
25 гаруй мессеж үлдээсэн.LDS LDS
Doctrinal Mastery builds on and replaces previous efforts in Seminaries and Institutes of Religion, such as scripture mastery and the study of Basic Doctrines.
олон хүн нэмэгдэх татварыгLDS LDS
23:8) Prominent men who were enamored of the philosophies of Aristotle and Plato introduced false religious ideas, gradually replacing the pure teachings of God’s Word. w16.11 4:8
Би энэ зарчмыг нэг түүхээр дамжуулан тайлбарлахыг хичээе.jw2019 jw2019
What ordinance did the Savior institute to replace the Passover?
та амжилт гаргах болно.LDS LDS
Because of faith I have personally witnessed a mountain of sin replaced with repentance and forgiveness.
Сорона бол ДуПонтын нэг хэсэг бөгөөдLDS LDS
His fear was replaced by a calm assurance and a peace that seemed to envelop him.
Дэлхийг 6.5 тэрбум км холоос харахад.LDS LDS
(Acts 13:48) In the case of many, despair is thus replaced by joy, and undue anxiety by confidence in our heavenly Father.
Доа мөн уснаас айдаг байлаа.jw2019 jw2019
God’s government will replace all the world’s governments.
Евклид, Ньютоны үеийнхтэй адил таамаглахад хялбар байсан.jw2019 jw2019
Replace what God forbids with things that he encourages
тэдэнд нөлөөлж илүү бодол төрүүлхэд хүргэв үү? Хариулт нь: үгүй, огтхон ч үгүй.jw2019 jw2019
(Hebrews 9:2, 3) The tabernacle was later replaced by the temple in Jerusalem.
Би хойд газрын хүмүүсийг үзэн яддаг байлаа.jw2019 jw2019
Why did Jehovah create a new “nation” to replace fleshly Israel?
Би түүний нүүр рүү харлаа.jw2019 jw2019
Therefore, we need to replace our anger and greed with love and kindness.
миний ихэнх үеэл, багын найзууд мааньQED QED
If you shift this graph to the right by five, you replace all of the x's with x minus 5.
түүнээс хамгаалан, эм бэлдмэл, вакцин үйлдвэрлэжQED QED
It’s all about replacing the bad thoughts with something good.
Ингэснээр тэр шаардлагатай колатай, цэлцэгнүүр чихрийгLDS LDS
They had been replaced by sullen silence, dense darkness.
Тэднийг багийн гишүүний хувьд хэр сайнLDS LDS
Based on what we have seen in Isaiah chapter 65 and 2 Peter chapter 3, we can be sure that this does not mean replacing the literal heavens and our planet, with its watery deep.
Өндөглөх тоо нь ч огцом нэмэгджээ.jw2019 jw2019
If you replaced the news one day and devoted a time slot of 30 minutes or so to personal study, you would gain over 25 hours a year.
Үндэстний хувьд бид эрэмдэг улс.jw2019 jw2019
True, that arrangement was instituted under the Law covenant, which was replaced at Pentecost 33 C.E.
Гэвч миний хувьд ирээдүйд хийх гол зүйл болjw2019 jw2019
As noted in the preceding article, the organization consisting of Christ’s early followers replaced the apostate nation of Israel as the people for Jehovah’s name.
гэхдээ хамгийн өндөр нярайн эндэгдэлтэй эдгээр улсуудынjw2019 jw2019
Instead of just saying, “No, don’t think that” (which is a good thing to do), replace it with a good thought.
Бид сайтар харсан ч, алга болчих юм.LDS LDS
This revelation reiterates instructions given in an earlier revelation (section 78) to establish a firm—known as the United Firm (under Joseph Smith’s direction, the term “order” later replaced “firm”)—to govern the Church’s mercantile and publishing endeavors.
Москва дээр унах ёстой пуужинг залахад хэцүү байгаа юм.LDS LDS
Replace lewd thoughts with hopeful images and joyful memories.
тэр дахин өрсөлдөхөөс татгалзав.LDS LDS
But because of faith I have seen a mountain of doubt and despair removed and replaced with hope and optimism.
Мэйн мужид байрладаг Idexx компаниLDS LDS
John Whitmer, who had already served as a clerk to the Prophet, initially hesitated when he was asked to serve as the Church historian and recorder, replacing Oliver Cowdery.
Эсвэл эм шинээр бүтээх эсвэл боловсруулах.LDS LDS
Priesthood leaders may consult the Purchasing Division at Church headquarters or the assigned administrative office for information about acquiring new or replacement instruments.
Бид нар оюутнуудаа татан оролцуулж,LDS LDS
201 sinne gevind in 13 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.