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2 Think about how you would like others to act toward you if you were in a similar situation.
үнэ нь багасч, хүмүүс "Дахин хиймээргүй байна.jw2019 jw2019
We frequently hear “thank you,” “you’re welcome,” or similar expressions on the lips of young and old as well as new and longtime Witnesses as they join in worship and happy fellowship.
Ахлах сургуулийн гэрчилгээтэй, англи хэлний мэдлэгтэй,jw2019 jw2019
(Students may use different words but should identify a principle similar to the following: If we yield ourselves to God, we can become free from sin and receive the gift of eternal life.)
''Над руу илүү олон германчууд явуулаарай! Тэд машин шиг л ажиллах юм.''LDS LDS
Since they are much stronger than we are, we find ourselves in a situation similar to that of David, and we cannot succeed unless we depend on God for strength.
хүчирхийллийг зогсооход бүгд хөдөлж чадсан гэж хэлнэ гэдэгт найдаж байна.jw2019 jw2019
Many of the 29,269 publishers —including 2,454 pioneers— in El Salvador have shown a similar self-sacrificing spirit, which is one reason why that country had a 2-percent increase in the number of publishers last year.
түүхийг эргүүлсэн 3-хан үгэнд сул орхисон юм.jw2019 jw2019
Learn about Similar Customers
♫Ямар ч боловсролгүй өсөх л байсан биз♫LDS LDS
21 The construction of theocratic facilities is a form of sacred service, similar to the work of constructing Solomon’s temple. (1 Ki.
их хугацааг хамт өнгөрүүлсэн болохоор тэр.jw2019 jw2019
6:2-5) It is possible that there will be a similar expansion of our preaching activity.
Эхнийх нь, нойрны хямралjw2019 jw2019
(Romans 13:1, 6) Widows and divorcées face similar challenges.
Харин ядуус үүнд мөнгө төлж чадахгүй юм чиньjw2019 jw2019
16 In a similar patient and kind way, we can encourage those who are worried about their health, are downhearted after the loss of their employment, or are confused about certain Scriptural teachings.
Дотроо бол энэ бүгд машины эд ангиар хийгдсэн.jw2019 jw2019
16:7-10, 21, 22) Isaiah foretold the coming of the Messiah, who would play a similar role and carry away “sicknesses,” “pains,” and “the very sin of many people,” thus opening the way to everlasting life. —Read Isaiah 53:4-6, 12.
Гэвч баялгийн нийт хэмжээ ньjw2019 jw2019
Invite the young men to share their own similar experiences.
таарах амьтныг нь олж болох юм.LDS LDS
In our day, anointed Christians and their dedicated associates display similar courage under trial —and the “Hearer of prayer” is always on their side. —Read Psalm 65:2; 118:6.
харин тэднийг нүүр тулахад сайтар бэлдэх юм.jw2019 jw2019
In addition, the Savior’s disciples may have recognized similarities between the actions of the good Samaritan and those of Jesus.
♫Би ямар байх байсан бол оо♫LDS LDS
What moral climate makes our time similar to the days of Noah?
Дороти кинон дээр яаж ялдаг билээ?jw2019 jw2019
The bishop is sympathetic and later in the novel demonstrates a similar compassion for another man, the main protagonist in the novel, a degraded ex-convict, Jean Valjean.
зөв өнцгөөс нь харвал хөгжилтэй байдаг гэдгийг санасан юм.LDS LDS
(Proverbs 27:11) If we have similar confidence in Jehovah, we will not let criticism or opposition weaken our faith.
Хамгийн материаллаг бус нь.jw2019 jw2019
How is Elder Mazzagardi’s experience similar to Joseph Smith’s?
Яагаад зутандаа чихэр хийж болохгүй гэж?LDS LDS
In Bible times, Christians suffered from similar problems.
Энэ нь эмэгтэй нь ширээн дээр сууж байх бөгөөд эрэгтэй нь нэг ширээнээс нөгөө ширээ рүү явна.jw2019 jw2019
Lessons learnt from similar banking and financial crises, such as the Asian financial crises in 1997 and other banking crises in Europe and the USA, will guide Mongolia in the recovery of its banking system.
Ялангуяа 1650 оны үеэр бол өглөөний цайн дээр шар айраг,
(Students may use different words but should identify a truth similar to the following: We are commanded to strive to be self-reliant and to help others.)
нэгэн эр гэр лүү нь дайрч орсон.LDS LDS
We have a similar work to do in a world that is opposed to true worship and that is filled with every form of badness. —Psalm 92:7; Matthew 24:14; Revelation 12:17.
Бид амжилттай байсан эсэхээ хэмжижjw2019 jw2019
Reflecting on Jesus’ example of showing love even when provoked helped me to show similar love to my coworker.”
Өөрийгөө хамгийн мундаг мөн өөрийн дуртай хүмүүсээр хүрээлүүл,jw2019 jw2019
Noting similarities “between teachings, people, or events can bring gospel truths into sharper focus” [Gospel Teaching and Learning: A Handbook for Teachers and Leaders in Seminaries and Institutes of Religion (2012), 22].)
Энэ олон улсын туршлага.LDS LDS
(b) Have you had a similar experience?
Нарийвчилсан анагаах ухаан хорт хавдрын эмчилгээнд хувьсгал хийсэн.jw2019 jw2019
201 sinne gevind in 6 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.