starve oor Mongools


/stɑː(ɹ)v/ Verb, werkwoord
(intransitive, obsolete) To die; in later use especially to die slowly, waste away.

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In each of the examples below, write the word—feast, snack, or starve—that best describes how well you seek to know the words of Christ in that setting.
агуулах савны доод талд байрлуулсан.LDS LDS
PIG: I’m starving!
Нарны зай бусад эх үүсвэрээс илүү түгээмэл болно.LDS LDS
I was raised in an economically and emotionally starved environment.
Бидний дараах суурь ойлголтыг одоо хүртэл шийдвэрлэж чадаагүй л байна:QED QED
Starving, hollow-eyed children and uprooted refugees on the run vie for our attention on the television screen.
ИМ: Үгүй ээ, бид зарж байгаа. Манайхаас нарны зай худалдаж авах эсвэлjw2019 jw2019
Think for a moment about how some less-effective ways of studying the words of Christ might be compared to snacking or even starving.
энэ нь аз жаргалын түлхүүр болно.LDS LDS
1 Nephi 16:14–32 (Nephi helps and shows respect for his family when they are starving in the wilderness)
зохион бүтээгч, инженерт суурилсан загвар луу шилжиж,LDS LDS
The rescuers found the Willie company mired in the snow, freezing, starving, and dying.
♫Би хэн байх байсан бол оо♫LDS LDS
While on a trek a few years ago retracing their footsteps, my family and I stood looking down at the Sweetwater area where the Willie company had been stranded, cold and starving.
томоохон уул уурхайн ихэнх хувийг эзэмшиж,ажиллуулдаг.LDS LDS
Imagine for a moment the difficulty of what the prophet was asking a starving mother to do.
Тэгээд 2 товчлуур ѳмнѳ нь гарч ирэхэд аль нэгийг нь сонгох ёстой.LDS LDS
They watch the news on television and see haunting images of starving children crying for help.
Тэр бичихдээ, "Тэр цэгийг дахиад хар.jw2019 jw2019
We were all nearly starved to death.
Гол шалтгаан нь хүн болгон бие биенийхээ цалинг мэддэг болLDS LDS
Ponder the difference between the words feast, snack, and starve.
Бид энэ тухай хөршүүддээ хэлэх ёсгүй,LDS LDS
Religion has left multitudes starving for wholesome spiritual food.
бид үнэхээр мундаг химийн бүрдэл гаргаж чадах уу гэсэн асуулт байлаа.jw2019 jw2019
Near the beginning of the story, Bishop Bienvenu gives food and overnight shelter to the homeless Jean Valjean, who has just been released from 19 years in prison for having stolen a loaf of bread to feed his sister’s starving children.
Та эхийн хэвлийд байхдаа л хүүхдийн мэс засалч болохоо шийдсэн байж болно.LDS LDS
“Things looked dark, for nothing remained but the poor raw hides taken from starved cattle.
Миний энэ зан чанар санааг минь зовоохLDS LDS
(Psalm 37:11) Starving masses will not exist, for “there will come to be plenty of grain on the earth; on the top of the mountains there will be an overflow.”
Иймээс би талбай дээр байгаа тоглогчдоосjw2019 jw2019
Mentioning some of the problems that the Kingdom will solve, she wrote, “I am sad when I see homeless people living on the streets” as well as “kids starving to death in all different parts of the world.”
тэдгээрээс адил үсэгтэйг өөр нэгийг хайж олохjw2019 jw2019
I’m starving!
Тархи судлалын шинжлэх ухаанд "нийгмийн мэдрэл судлал" хэмээх шинэ салбар гарч ирсэн баLDS LDS
In a world that is moving further away from the standards of the gospel, youth are starving for eternal truth.
Хүүхдүүдийг харгис гэдэг ч,LDS LDS
♫ Another starving refugee ♫
хувьсал хийх салбартай болж чадна.ted2019 ted2019
Yet, some youths in Christian families have shown a desire to be like the spiritually starving people around them.
За, та нар өнөөдөр утсаа хэд хэдэн удаа харсан байгааjw2019 jw2019
♫ Another starving refugee ♫
Долоохон настайдаа гэрээ орхисон,ted2019 ted2019
Then the people will not starve during the following seven bad years when very little food will grow.’
Бид зуу зуун зөвлөгчдийг ажилд аван сургаж,jw2019 jw2019
Marine Corps photo; starving children: WHO/OXFAM
Сонгуулийн өдөр би түүнийг зурагтаар гарч байхыг нь олон удаа ажигласан.jw2019 jw2019
Because most of them are also starving.
Бүх л судалгааны гол асуулт мааньjw2019 jw2019
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